Status: Waiting for editors...

If I Was Perfect Then This Would Be Easy


***(Ace's POV)

"Why hello. I'm here to see the beautiful Ace. I hear she works here." I chuckled at Zacky's words and shook my head.

"Oh really? And why would you want to see her?" It was really idiotic to speak to him of myself as a third person.

"Enough of this. Get that pretty ass of yours with me right now. We're going for a walk." I froze in my tracks.

"We're what?" I frowned at him.

"Come on, Ace. Pwease? Just a walk. That's all." I sighed defeatedly. It was funny how usually I could never even talk to new people, but with Zack, Jimmy, Johnny and Matt I had gotten along very well from the very first second.Syn was a different story.

Zacky suddenly laughed and I eyed him questioningly.

"We match," he said as he pointed to our Misfits shirts. Damn. I laughed.

"So where to?" I asked as I got in Zack's car. He flashed me a smile.

"Well, how about we go grab something to eat? I'm starving. Those guys don't give us healthy food at the studio," he complained and I chuckled.

Spending my time with Zack was fun. He semed pretty laid back and liked pretty much the same music as I did. I had brought up Syn in the discution once or twice and he assured me that he had no problem with me and it was just that he was going through a rough time.

"Thanks for everything, Zacky. It was really fun," I stated before I got out of his car.

"Not a problem. I had fun, too. I'll talk to you later this week," I smiled and nodded and then he left. What were we doing?


This was our first serious meeting with our manager. We had estabilished to meetings this week, so we could get all the paperwork done and get to know him better.

We all sat patiently in his office, waiting for him to come out of some other meeting.

"When do you think we'll get in the studio and start recording?" Dom asked me and I shrugged.

"I have no idea." My eyes wandered off around the room. Everything in there was tidy and polished. His desk was made of what seemed like really expensive wood and the wall behind the desk was made of glass. I pictured myself bringing havoc in this office and mess with all of his papers.

"Gentlemen...and ladies! Welcome!" We all sat up to greet Jonathan. "Please, have a seat." He sat down on his black leather chair as well. "What a fine day today to make business, isn't it?" I looked at Correy doubtfully and he nodded amused. "Well, let's get those papers signed, shall we?"

"Actually, Mr. Donners, I was thinking of signing those papers during our next meeting and get to know each other today," Alexa intervened. That's my girl! Jonathan's face fell.

"Yes, of course. And we shall sign the papers at our meeting tomorrow." He smiled slyly.


I hated him. After two meetings, I finally decided that one day I would trash his office and tell him where to shove those papers. I hated seeing everyone so upset and it pissed me off even more the fact that I couldn't light up the atmosphere. Of all, I was the one most pissed off and everyone noticed that, so they tried to not do anything that might annoy me even more. I was like a ticking bomb.

Turned out Mr. Donners wasn't such a nice guy after all. All he could think of was money and cutting deals. As for what angerred me most, during the total of four hours we spent with him, he was already seeing our future as some pop band and shit like that. He didn't like the fact that we screamed. He hated that neither Alexa nor I wore skirts or did anything to show more 'feminine', to put it in his words. From what he told us we should look like, I could only think of two whores. We wore ripped jeans...that was another problem. Alexa had purple bangs. I had red bangs. I had a fringe covering slightly my left eye. The boys weren't too public. They should be the ones in control.

Therefore, I finally sat up and we all agreed for him to go screw himself. So much for all the 'open-minded' shit Matt was talking about.

We all sat at a table at James' bar after another show. Thankfully, our anger and sorrow didn't affect our playing. Random kids came to ask for autographs every once in a while, before James would throw them out, since it was time to close the place. Ironic how many people actually liked us and wore t-shirts with our logo on and that we had such a fan-base, yet when it came to a manager, we fucked up.

"I haven't seen you guys like this in years," James declared, grabbing a seat next to us. I growled and stood up, putting my palms on my head and starting to walk around. Dom let out a sigh.

"Screw that asshole, man. You've got talent and you'll take care of this," James assured us. I simply kept walking.

Come back to me, this is unconceivable
Breaking apart the ones you love
Hate runs deep for what you've done to us
Left alone through suicide...suicide

My ringtone pulled me out of vicious cicle and Correy threw me my phone. I looked at the caller ID and aswered.

"'Sup, Matt?"

"Ace! Damn, I haven't spoken to you in fucking ages. Hey, listen, the guys and I are going out tonight and we wanted to ask you and Alexa to join us." I sighed.

"I don't think I'm up for getting drunk tonight. I'll ask Alexa, though."

"What happened? You ok?"

"Yeah, yeah...we're all...good. It's been a long fucking week, y'know." Matt was silent and I could hear Jimmy ask him if something was wrong.

"Screw that. Look, grab Alexa and any of the guys who want to hang out and come to my place tomorrow for a barbeque. I want to hear everything that happened."

"Matt, I--"

"Don't feel like coming? I'm not buying that." I sighed and wrote his adress on a piece of paper. "Oh, and bring your bathing suits. I'll see you tomorrow, rockstar." I said goodbye and hung up.

"Was that Matt?" Alexa asked, feeling slightly better.

"Yup. He's inviting us to a barbeque tomorrow. Anyone up for it?" I asked, sitting.

"Not me. I have plans for tomorrow," Jack stated cheerfully. Everyone at the table stared at him questioningly. "What?" he defended. "I'm spending my day with Megan." We all went silent and then bursted out laughing.

"Maybe I'll come, but I wanted to do some extra hours at work," Dom stated. I nodded and gave him the adress, in case he would make it out of work in time to come to the bbq with us. Correy also declined, telling me that us girls should have more fun together.

"Cowards," I muttered.