Just Like the Leaves Change in Colors

The Good Phone Call.

Gerard's POV

Lindsey stared at the phone, and she gripped my hand. I answered the phone.

“Hello?” I answered.

I looked at Lindsey, she was biting her lip, and staring at my face.

“Hey, Gerard. It's Brian. I talked to James,” Brian said.

“Yeah? What did he say?”

Lindsey gripped my hand, and I gripped hers back. I'm hoping James and Brian put something together.

“Well, James thought it was a great idea. So, he ran it through with Mindless, and I ran it through with the rest of the guys. And I believe we have ourselves a tour!” I heard him say.

My eyes widened, and Lindsey smiled.

“Oh my god! Thank you! Lindsey and Rachel will be delighted to hear that!”

Lindsey gripped my hand. Brian started going on about how both bands would be headlining this tour, and there would be other bands. You know, the same stuff. I wasn't paying attention to who the bands where going to be. I was to focused on Lindsey, and how her band was going to be touring with mine. This hasn't happened since '07 when we toured Projekt Revolution, and the United Kingdom. That seemed like it was forever ago. Although it was only like five or six years ago. Still, to this day, PR of '07 was seriously the best tour of my life. I met the woman of my dreams there, and that tour was just an amazing experience.

“Alright, Gerard. I'll talk to you soon. Bye,” I heard Brian's voice say.

I said a goodbye, hung up, and put the phone into my pocket. I stared at Lindsey with a big smile on my face.

“We have ourselves a tour!” I exclaimed.

Lindsey squealed and leaped into my arms. She started kissing my lips over, and over again. I kissed her back. She wrapped her legs around my waist, and I placed my hands on her ass, holding her up. I felt her smile into the kisses, and we made our way to the bedroom.

Lindsey and I haven't had sex in about two weeks...maybe. I think maybe a week and a half. Wasn't quite sure. But, we've been so wrapped up in the band, that I guess it slipped our mind. And Rachel was sick last week, so we had to nurse her better.

But, yeah. By the end of the day, Lindsey and I were dead tired. Lindsey had a big day today, I hardly did. I really hoped that Lindsey wasn't tired. I needed to be inside of her. Once we got to the bedroom, I shut the door with my foot, and laid Lindsey on the bed.

I started placing kisses on her neck, up her jawline and back down again. She let out a small moan, and I smiled. I started pulling on the hem of her shirt when I felt her hand stop me. Oh for fucks sake. I sighed and stared into Lindsey's eyes. She was biting her lip.

“What is it, sugar?” I whispered.

“Gee, I'm really tired. Can we do this like tomorrow or something?” She asked.

“Lindsey..., we haven't had sex in like a week and a half,” I said.

“I know. I've been running around taking care of Rachel, and stuff for your tour and stuff. I'm so sorry, Gerard,” she whispered.

A couple tears slid down her cheeks. I frowned, and wiped them off.

“Don't cry, angel. It's okay,” I said, trying to soothe her.

She shook her head, and a few more tears slid down her cheeks.

“No, Gee, it's not. I'm not a good mother, or wife.”

What was making her think this way? She was the best mother and wife anyone could ever ask for. I got off of her, and pulled her into my arms. With that, she burst into tears. I frowned again, as I tried to soothe her. I don't know what made her think about not being a good wife, or mother. I don't even remember thinking, or saying anything like that.

“I don't know how you deal with me, Gerard. I really don't. I'm such a horrible human being,” she sobbed.

I brought her face in my hands, and stared into her teary eyes.

“Lindsey Ann, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and Rachel. You are not a horrible person, do you understand that? You are the best mother, and wife Rachel and I could ask for. I love you with everything I am, Lindsey. Rachel even loves you. No, that's an understatement. She is absolutely crazy about you. If you haven't noticed, baby, she wants to be you. I asked her the other day if she had a hero. She told me that her hero was you. You, Lindsey. Her own mother. You see? You are not a horrible person. I know Rachel loves you to death, and I know so do I. So, you see, baby? Some other people might think your a terrible person. But, your family doesn't. Rachel and I are always going to be here, Lindsey. No matter what,” I told her.

She smiled really wide, and wiped the tears from her face. I kissed her forehead, and smiled.

“That's my girl,” I whispered.

She wrapped her arms around me and placed her head into my shoulder.

“I love you so much, Gerard. You are so good to me. I don't know where I would be without you,” she whispered.

I kissed her forehead, and we laid down on the bed. I pulled Lindsey close in my arms, and she snuggled into my chest. I felt myself get butterflies, and I smiled really wide. I still always felt like a teenager when I was around her. I was so in love with her.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is for comedically tragic;;, and xninjaZOMBIE!x3
Cause they always leave nice comments that make me smile. :]

maybe if YOU leave a really nice comment, I'll dedicate the next chapter to you. :]

OH! I have a favor to ask you guys.
I need at least 2, 3, or maybe 4 bands MSI & MCR can tour with. Haha.

So, once you leave a really nice comment, can you guys name a few bands that I can choose from? It would help me out a lot. :D