Just Like the Leaves Change in Colors


Gerard's POV

I awoke to my cell phone ringing. I heard Lindsey groan and she shook me.

“Gerard, shut that shit off!” She moaned.

I picked up the phone, and answered it without looking at the caller ID.

“Mmello?” I mumbled.

“Gerard? It's Brian. Did I wake you?”

“Mm-hm. What do you need?” I said, hoarsely.

I closed my eyes, and waited for Brian to answer. I was so tired. I didn't want to be on the phone. I'd much rather hold Lindsey then this fucking piece of plastic.

“Well, we are doing a little tour, and we have three bands you guys are going to tour with. You will be touring with...The Birthday Massacre, Morningwood, and The Used. Jimmy said seeing as Gerard can have his wife on tour, so can he.”

My eyes widened. The Used? I haven't seen Bert in years. Oh my god. Not since...'05, I think. Dude. This tour was going to be weird, yet fun. It was also going to be really interesting. Jimmy's wife, Chantal, was a really funny girl. Lindsey had told me about The Birthday Massacre, and I've listened to them but, never met them.

Mindless toured with them in '08. Apparently, the lead singer(I think her name may have been Chibi or something), and Lindsey became really good friends. So, it'd be really neat to meet her. This tour was going to be really fun. I just knew it. I also believe this tour will be going on for a couple of months.

“Alright. That sounds awesome. I'm going back to sleep.”

I hung up, and turned over. Lindsey's eyes were closed, and she was sound asleep. I smiled, and closed my eyes. I didn't want to move. I was really comfortable, and yeah.

“Who was that?” I heard a voice say.

I opened my eyes, but Lindsey's were still closed. Was she awake?

“Are you awake?” I asked.

She opened an eye. I'll take that as a yes.

“Uh, that was Brian. He told us who else we were touring with,” I said.

She came closer, and cuddled into me.

“Who are we touring with?” She asked.

“Morningwood, The Birthday Massacre, and The Used,” I said.

Lindsey sat up, and stared at me.

“Are you serious?” She gasped.

I looked at her and nodded. Lindsey's mouth turned into a smile. I couldn't help but smile back. I sat up, and wrapped my arms around her. I placed a kiss on her cheek, then kissed her lips. I felt her smile, and she kissed me again.

Her kisses always took my breath away. Don't know why they do. But, there was something about her kisses. If I could, I would never stop kissing her. I kissed her again, and she let out a giggle.

“I love how you kiss me,” she said.

“Mmm. I disagree. You're kisses are better,” I retorted.

She smiled, and I kissed her again. She sighed and got out of bed. Lindsey went to the wardrobe, and picked up a hair tie. She threw her hair up in a messy bun, and put her glasses on. She looked absolutely adorable, and comfortable. She changed into one of my shirts, and pajama pants. I raised my eyebrow.

“Is there any reason why you are dressing in pajama's, and mine at that?” I asked her.
She turned around, and jumped on the bed.

“Your clothes are comfortable, and I don't want to do anything today,” she said.

I smiled. I brought her into my arms, and flipped her so she was laying on the bed. I got on top of her, and started kissing her neck. She gripped onto my shirt, and let out a small moan.

“I know something I want to do today,” I whispered against her skin.

She giggled, and I pressed my lips to hers. I ground our hips together, and Lindsey let out a small moan. I heard our bedroom door open. Lindsey and I looked, and saw Rachel standing there. She was rubbing her eyes, and staring at us. I immediately got off of Lindsey, and we both sat up.

“Good morning, princess,” I said to her.

She smiled, and walked towards our bed. She stood at the end of it and stared at us.

“You can come up,” Lindsey said.

Rachel smiled, and tried to get on the bed. I let out a silent laugh, and helped her up. I pulled her onto my lap, pushed her hair back and kissed the top of her head.

“How did you sleep?” Lindsey asked.

“Good,” she said, “when are we leaving?”

“Probably about two months,” I said.

Rachel was really excited to go on tour. She was excited at first, but now that Lindsey will be touring with me, she was really excited. Rachel couldn't wait to see Lindsey and I preform. I couldn't wait to see Lindsey preform. She always gave it her all, and it was amazing. I know when Rachel sees her, she's going to want to do everything Lindsey does. I felt myself smile wide as I thought about it.

I was going to bring Rachel on the stage through the tour. I knew all of our fans wanted to know why we were off tour for so long. I mean, we kept them posted and everything...but, we never showed pictures. I'm sure fans would rather see Rachel in person then pictures. And, I'm positive there's going to be tons of pictures.

I think that a few of the show sales that were actually sold out. I guess we were missed? Ha ha. Our fans are absolutely amazing. We seriously have the best in the world. Wow. I'm starting to really get excited about going on tour. I kind of want those two months to come quick, but I want to spend the two months relaxing with my family.

I would do anything for my family. I want Rachel to have the best life I could give her. I want to spend the rest of my life with Lindsey, and make it all worth while. I want to be in My Chem until I couldn't go any longer. I wanted to continue writing The Umbrella Academy until I ran out of ideas. As you can clearly see, everything I have now, I want to stay.

I wouldn't change anything for the world
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is for Charlie. Because I love her with my whole fucking heart. Forever and ever. :]
And she gave me three bands for MSI and MCR to tour with.
I loooooove you, sugar. :]
