Don't Believe Everything You Hear

Chapter 10

"Jonathan, what are you doing today?" I asked him.

"Why?" He questioned me.

"Because I'm bored and want something to do," I told him.

"So I'm like a last resort?" he asked. I nodded. "Well thanks," he rolled his eyes.

"My last resort is like my third resort," I told him.

"I was gonna go to Kyle's house and hang out with him," Jonathan said, pointing to the door. I sighed and nodded. "Would you like to come?" he asked me.

"I don't know, I don't want to intrude on anything," I said lightly.

"If you want to get along in this group of friends," he started, "You're gonna have to learn how to be a great intruder," he laughed.

"Why's that?"

"Because, once you're friends with these guys, you get four in the morning phone calls about nothing," he laughed. "And they also forget that there is such a thing called knocking."

"Well, maybe I should just stay here," I mumbled.

"Nonsense," he laughed, "Let's go, Kyle won't mind," Jonathan said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Positive," he said.

We walked over to Kyle's house which was about a mile and a half away. It took us around twenty minutes of walking slowly the get there. It's winter, so it was freezing outside, and jackets only work so much. I wanted to run, but Jonathan was intent on walking, and I didn't exactly know where I was going.

"You're killing me here Jonathan," I told him.

"Oh chill out," he took a second to laugh at that. I rolled my eyes. "Okay, sorry, but look, we're here now," he said turning into somebody's front yard, going up the walk way to the front door. We both went up and I stood there awkwardly waiting for somebody to answer the door.

"Hey Jonathan…and Selena, what are you doing here?" he asked. Unexpectedly, he picked me up in a big hug.

"He made me come," I said, pointing to Jonathan while still up in the hug, who looked like he was going to say something, but chose not to. "You're a hugging sort of man, aren't you?" I asked him, laughing.

"Just a little bit," he said, putting me back onto my feet. "So, come on in peeps, before we have to defrost you guys," he laughed.

He let us into the house and I looked around the room that he took us into. It was a living room sort of set up, or actually more like a game room. There was a pool table and a bunch of video games strewn across the room. Then there were all the music tapes and CDs and such tossed around the room.

I took a seat on the couch that was in the room as well and sighed. "So what's up peeps?" I asked everybody in the room. That's when I noticed a boy with a poof of hair. "Who are you?" I asked politely. He smiled at me.

"I'm Marc, Kyle's step-brother," he smiled.

"Sweet," I nodded at him, "Do you go to our school?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I go to a different school," he told me. I nodded again.

"That's probably for the best," I said. He looked at me strangely but didn't push the subject.

"So how old are you?" Marc asked me. It was sort of random, but I found it a bit funny.

"15 or 16," I said.

"Which one is it?" he asked.

"Depends, what's the date today?" I asked.

"Umm, December 12th," he said. I nodded.

"So, then I'm…" I thought about it for a second, "I'm 15," I told him.

"That's cool,"

"How about you?" I asked him.

"Same," he said. I smiled at him.

"So who is ready to get their butt kicked?" Kyle asked, walking back into the room. I hadn't even noticed that he left. Marc rolled his eyes at Kyle.

"You've never beaten me at the game, so why try?" he asked. Kyle just pouted.

"Well I see I'm not welcome here," Kyle said, walking out of the room.

"He's a bit…sensitive," I said.

"He's really not, he's just kidding," Marc laughed. I made an 'oh' shape with my mouth and nodded. "You just have to humor him, he'll be back in about five minute," Marc laughed.

True to his word, Kyle was back in a bit over five minutes along with Jonathan. Again, I didn't notice Jonathan leave. These guys are sneaky, but if what Jonathan said is really true, then they would have to be.

Something tells me I'm in for an interesting year.


I looked over at Austin and saw him looking 'intently' at the board. He looked tired and bored. I wrote something down on a piece of paper and pushed it in front of Austin.

'How are you?' is what I wrote.

He just looked at me like I was on something before pushing the paper back in front of me. I knew what he was thinking about now.

Your friends won't see this, you're just writing stuff on some paper'

I wrote to him and pushed it back in front of him. I heard the crinkling of some papers and the pen scribbling across the paper before the note was pushed in front of me

I'm fine. Didn't get much sleep last night. You?'

Same here, why didn't you get much sleep?'

I'm not really sure, I just couldn't sleep. I had a lot on my mind I guess.

Oh, that must have sucked

A bit

He sighed out loud.

What were you thinking about?

I heard him groan inwardly. It was pretty loud, I'm surprised more people didn't hear it. As he was staring at the paper, apparently thinking of what to write, the bell rang and he rushed out of class. I sighed. This might take awhile.
♠ ♠ ♠
As I write this, I'm just about ready to go to bed.
After an hour of writing this, and hour of writing the other one
and doing random things around my house for a long time
I'm tired and gonna sleep.

Thanks for reading!!