Don't Believe Everything You Hear

Chapter 11

"Bye Mrs. Cook, I'll be back later," I yelled.

"Where are you going?" Jonathan asked me, coming out of nowhere.

"I'm going over to a friend's house," I told him, waiting for the gasps. Soon enough, they came and I rolled my eyes.

"You have friends?" he asked, some what jokingly.

"Funny," I rolled my eyes and walked out of the house, yelling a quick good bye to Jonathan. I had gotten directions from Mrs. Cook on how to get to this house, and soon enough I was standing on the front porch. I knocked on the door and waited for somebody to answer.

"Hello?" said an all too familiar voice, opening the door, when I saw who it was I mentally groaned. "What are you doing here?" he asked me.

"Aww, aren't you happy to see me?" I asked, rolling my eyes slightly, but laughing a bit, "I'm here to see Aimeeā€¦" I said nervously.

"What?" he asked, more to himself. "AIMEE!" he yelled into the house. I heard loud foot steps coming to the front door and saw Aimee appear in the door way.

"Hey Selena," she smiled. "Come on," she said, grabbing my arm and pulling me into the house. The house was neatly cleaned and everything. She had pulled me into the living room. She ran to the TV and started to play with it a little bit before the opening credits to the Lion King rolled on. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I was watching that," Austin said loudly.

"That sucks," Aimee said to him.

"This is torture!" Austin yelled.

"Calm down, you won't die if you can't watch re-runs," she said to him.

"What if I do?" he yelled overdramatically.

"You wont,"

"That's what they'll write on my grave," he said.

"What's up with you today?" she asked him.

"I don't like it when you bring random people home," he said. "You know her for like half an hour and you invite her to our house," he yelled.
"What's the big deal?" Aimee said, sighing.

"The big deal is, you don't know her, she could try and kill you!" he yelled. "What would you do?"

"Not that again," I mumbled.

"Shut up," Austin said angrily, he immediately seemed to have some regret in his eyes.

"Don't tell my friends to shut up," Aimee yelled, defending me. I felt so terrible, I was causing brother and sister to argue, just simply by being here. I sighed inaudibly to them and looked at them. They both had annoyed looks on their faces, but Austin's looked more frustrated and angry than simple annoyance. I was starting to wish that I hadn't come over here, or even agreed to.

"Jonathan, go sit with your friends," I told him, pushing him slightly.

"You are my friend," he told me.

"Go sit with your other friends, who want to sit with you," I sighed.

"You don't want to sit with me?" he asked, sounding hurt.

"That's not what I meant, go sit with your friends who miss sitting with you," I tried my words again. He had sat with me every day this week.

"But I want to sit with my buddy," he whined.

"Go sit with your other buddies," I told him, "I'm tired of them glaring at me,"

"They're glaring at you?" he asked, he looked over at the table of his friends and they all quickly turned their heads so Jonathan couldn't see their glaring faces.

"Everybody except for Kyle," I said. Which was true, Kyle just sat there calmly eating a sandwich.

"Are you sure you don't want me to sit with you?" he asked. I nodded. "Oh, how about you come sit with us?" he asked.

"No, I'm just gonna sit here and enjoy the shade of this lovely tree," I told him. He looked at me skeptically before walking off to his friends, who greeted him happily. Kyle looked over at me and waved a bit. I waved back and shut my eyes.

I sat comfortably under the tree for a few minutes before somebody came up to me. "Hello!" said a girl. She had brown hair and I'd say was about 5'6". I smiled at her.

"Hi," I said, a bit awkwardly.

"Can I sit with you?" she asked. I looked around a little and nodded. She took a seat next to me and smiled brightly and me. "I'm Aimee," she said, extending her hand. I took it and shook it nervously.

"I'm Selena," I smiled at her. "Nice to meet you,"

We talked for the next twenty minutes or so, it mainly consisted of her asking me questions, and me getting to ask her a few every now and then.

"So what sorts of things do you like?" she asked, after a second of silence. I thought about it for a second.

"Umm, I like watching movies, looking at the stars, drawing, listening to music, stuff that any normal person would like," I laughed. She nodded at me.

"What kind of music do you like?" she asked. What's with the questions?

"Um, I'll listen to pretty much everything I guess, I just like listening to music in general, it's calming," she smiled at me.

"That's cool I-" she started but was cut off by the bell ringing. "Hey we should hang out later," she said.

"Um, okay," I said.

"Okay, here's my address, come over after school," she said handing me her address and running off before I could get a word in edge wise.

"You should ask your older brother before you invite people over like that!" Austin yelled. I just sighed again.

"Okay," I sighed, "I'm just going to go," I said and started towards the front door.

"Wait," Aimee yelled, "Don't let my annoying brother get to you," she said.

"It's a bit late for that," I mumbled to myself.

"What?" Austin asked with a confused look on his face. I'm guessing that I didn't really mumble that.

"Forget about it," I said, turning on my heel back towards the front door.

"Don't leave yet," Aimee said again, "Austin will knock it off," she glared at Austin.

"Whatever," he mumbled. "I'm being invaded in my own home," he said loudly, glaring at me on his way out of the room. I got a slight feeling that this wasn't helping my problems with Austin, and something about that bothered me. I'm not sure what it is. I pushed the thought off to the side and smiled at Aimee.

"He's just having a bad day," she told me. I looked at her weirdly but accepted it anyways. "So, let's go back to our movie," she said. We sat back down and started to watch the Lion King. About another half hour into it, I really had to go to the bathroom.

"Aimee?" I asked, she looked at me, "Where's the bathroom?" I asked.

"Umm, down that hall there," she said pointing, "Right past Grumpy's room," she said. I had figured out who Grumpy was.

"Where's Grumpy's room?" I asked, she laughed a little bit.

"It's got the big yellow sign on it that says Austin's room, you can't miss it, trust me," she laughed. I nodded and walked down the hall to the bathroom. Surprisingly, Austin's door was open. I walked by and he was sitting there laying on his bed looking up at the ceiling.

"Hey," I said lightly to him.

"What, you want to over take my room now?" he asked bitterly. I shook my head.

"I didn't mean to over take your house at all, I didn't even know you lived here," I sighed. "I just wanted to apologize for whatever annoyance I've been to you," I said.

"Yeah, well thanks," he mumbled. I started to walk off, but stopped and turned around. "What do you want now?" he asked, looking at me.

"Which door is the bathroom?" he asked.

"The one right next door," he said and pointed off to my right. He laughed a little bit and thanked him, using the bathroom quickly and going back out to enjoy the rest of the movie. As I was walking past him, I stopped once more at Austin's room.

"Do you want to watch Lion king with us?" I asked. He looked at me skeptically. "It won't kill you," I laughed.

"You know, that probably will go on my head stone," he said. "So many people say that to me," he laughed.

"You just need to lighten up about everything a bit, enjoy life and don't think too much about it," I smiled. "And then come watch Lion King with us," I told him.

"Fine," he said, rolling off his bed and following me to the living room, sitting on the same couch as Aimee.

"You got him out of his cave!" Aimee yelled. Austin rolled his eyes.

"Ha-ha," he said sarcastically, "You're so funny Aimee, I can barely stand it," he rolled his eyes again. Everybody just had a sincere laugh for a change. It was nice.
♠ ♠ ♠
so, this may sort of suck. If it does, sorry.
But I I wrote this out on the back of my math warm up this morning
It took like five minutes to plan this whole chapter, and it's the most planning I've ever done.
Normally I just write and see what comes from it and you've all seen how that turns out.

Anyways, that was unimportant
You know what is important though?
It's December!!
It's important