Don't Believe Everything You Hear

Chapter 15

"Wake up!" Caleb yelled. "You only have to last one more hour," Caleb said.

"Just make something up for it, he won't know if I sleep one hour early," I whined.

"Mr. Johansson is evil! He probably has chips implanted right behind our right ears, telling him when we're sleeping!" he whined.

"Why aren't you tired?" I asked Caleb.

"Well," he started.

"Never minds, I already know," he smiled widely at me.

"You and your stupid energy drink," I mumbled.

"Hey! It's those kinds of things that upset the red bull, and make it not work," he said, petting his can protectively. I rolled my eyes and fought the urge to sleep yet again. I got out my piece of paper.

"Hour thirty five, my partner has finally gone crazy and started to awkwardly admire inanimate objects," I said out loud.

"Just like Lord of the Rings," he laughed loudly.

"That movie was so boring," I whined.

"Aww come on, you can't say that you didn't enjoy our trilogy marathon last night," Caleb said.

"Oh, but I can," I laughed a bit, yawning a lot.

"No yawning! That's against the rules!" he yelled.

"Why won't you just let me sleep?" I whined.

"Because," he said lightly, looking at me with puppy dog eyes, "I'll be lonely." He said.

"Is that your final answer?" I asked.

"You’re a very harsh tired person," he laughed.

"So, do you have any real reason?" I asked him.

"It's just fun to keep Cranky Pants awake," he laughed, pinching my cheeks. I groaned. "Fine, you can sleep," he said, "I'm just gonna watch TV," he said, flipping it on. I pulled off the blanket from the back of the couch and snuggled up tightly in it. I sighed happily as I quickly and easily fell asleep.


"Woo!" I heard being yelled over and over again. I groaned and opened my eyes to see Kyle, Caleb, Jonathan and Austin sitting in the living room.

"Hey guys," I smiled. I looked at the clock to see that I had only gotten three hours of sleep. "This is just cruel, Forty three hours of no sleep, and I can't sleep for more than three," I laughed.

"Man, you get un-cranky fast," Caleb laughed. "Unlike somebody," he said, looking towards Jonathan.

"I'm just plain awesome," I laughed, stretching a bit.

"Whatever," Jonathan waved it off.

"So what are all you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Well, Jonathan and Caleb," Austin said, staring at me.

"It's nice to know that everybody loves me enough to come visit me," I sighed jokingly.

"I came to visit you!" Kyle yelled, cannon balling onto my lap. I laughed and pushed him off onto the couch.

"Thanks Kyle, but it'd be more convincing if you weren't Jonathan's best friend," I laughed.

"Possibly, but I do enjoy seeing you," he laughed, putting his arm around my shoulder. "Cause you're AWESOME!!" he yelled loudly as he started to bounce on the couch happily.

"You took some of Caleb's red bull, didn't you?" I asked.

"Maybe, just maybe, a can," I looked at him skeptically.

"Are you sure? Because I've never seen one can of red bull do that do anybody, not even Caleb," I laughed.

"Okay, so maybe it was three or four, but who's counting?" he said laughing. I shook my head and laughed.

"You guys are silly," I laughed. "Who else here is hyped up on caffeine?" I asked. Everybody except for Caleb raised their hands. I looked at him oddly.

"What?" he said defensively. "That can that I went crazy over was the last one," he said. I shook my head.

"There's two reasons I don’t believe that," I laughed.

"Name 'em," he said.

"One, there's a giant pyramid of red bull cans sitting in the corner," I laughed.

"That was there when I got here, I swear I didn't do it!" he said.

"Okay, assuming that's true…reason number two, you're holding a can of red bull in your hand," I said. He looked down and groaned.

"Dang, I almost had you too!" he said.

"Yeah, you were so close," I said laughing.

"I was!" he cheered loudly.

"And there's reason number three," I mumbled and sighed, laying back down on the couch, with my head in Kyle's lap because he just so happened to be there. As my eyes started to weigh down and close, I looked and saw Austin staring at me intently. From the look in his eyes, I swear he could burn a hole right through me.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is probably my favorite story out of the one's I've written.
because, well it is, for reasons un apparent to myself.
I have to go to the dentist on Thursday, I'm kind of looking forward to it.

Anyways, thanks for reading!!
I'll update again in a couple days