Don't Believe Everything You Hear

Chapter 28

"It's 7:50," Jonathan announced to me.

"So, what's your point?" I asked him.

"Aren't you gonna go?" he asked

"I wasn't planning on it," I mumbled.

"Why not?" he asked, "It could be fun,"

"Or it could be dangerous, I don't know who it is, they could be a rapist for all I know, I could get killed!" I said loudly to him.

"That's what I like to call, 'being paranoid'" he said to me, laughing.

"This is what I like to call, 'throwing a pillow at John," I told him and chucked my pillow at him, hitting him in the chest, "I'm not going," I told him. He groaned a bit and pretended like he was actually hurt by the pillow.

"Just go, you gotta live a little," he said to me, laughing. I just rolled my eyes.

"I'd rather not get killed, thank you very much," I told him.

"You're not gonna get killed," he told me, sighing. "You're gonna be just fine,"

"How would you know?" I asked him.

"Because I'm a brother, and I have brother senses, and I know when something is wrong," he said.

"You're not even technically my real brother," I mumbled. He frowned and sat down next to me.

"That may be true, but it doesn't mean that you're not like a sister to me or that I won't act like a brother towards you," he started, "Even if you aren't my real sister, I'll still protect you like my own flesh and blood," he said, smiling slightly.

"But what if your brother senses are wrong this time?" I asked.

"My brother senses are never wrong," he said to me, looking me straight in the eye. I sighed and nodded. "Does that mean you're gonna go?" he asked.

"I'm still not entirely sure about this, but yeah, I'll go," I sighed. He smiled and stood up, and started to walk out. I stopped him and pulled him into a hug. I pulled away soon after and looked up at him.

"What was that about?" he asked.

"Just because I love my big Brother," he smiled widely at me.

"I love you too my little Sister," he smiled and left the room.

I quickly got into normal, not pajama, pants and then left the house quickly, telling Mrs. and Mr. Cook that I was going for a walk to the park, just to think. They understood apparently and let me on my way.

It took about ten minutes to get to the park, but soon enough, I did get there. My before thoughts about the park were that it was going to be dark, empty, and somewhat creepy. You know what, I was right. There was not a person to be seen and the only movement in the park was the trees in the wind and the occasional flickering of the lights that kept the park from being too dark.

I looked around and sighed. I then looked at my watch and saw that it was a quarter past eight. It didn't make me feel much better that the wind was picking up, just slightly, but it made it that much more creepy.

I decided to take a seat on the swing and wait for whatever was going to happen. To keep me calm, I kept Jonathan's words in my head. I'm not sure if they were right or wrong, but they were definitely helping.

"Selena?" I heard from behind me, out of nowhere. The voice caused me to jump in the air from shock. I turned around and saw Austin standing there. I looked at him oddly. Why would he want to meet me here?

"Hello," I said, "What brings you here out on this fine evening?" I asked him.

"I don't know," he said, causing me to look at him oddly, "Why are you out here, and alone at that?" He took a seat next to me on the swings as well. I sighed.

"I got some weird not in my locker telling me to be here at 8," I told him. He looked at me like I had ten heads. "What?" I asked him.

"The same thing happened to me, I got a note saying to meet here at 8," he said pulling the note from his pocket. I looked at it. It had the same handwriting and words scribbling on a piece of paper.

"What's going on?" I asked, hoping he'd know.

"I don't know, but I'm sure somebody set this up," he mumbled.

"Okay, I get that, but who?"

"I don't know, I don't work for CSI," he laughed.

"Neither do I, I never would be able to," I laughed.

"Why?" he asked.

"Way too much blood," I grimaced.

"You got a point, but I don't know," he sighed again.

"So, we've figured out that somebody probably set this up, now what?" I asked.

"Now," he started, "We embrace our inner child and play," he smiled.

"Okay," I laughed. He looked at me, smiling happily. "What?" I asked.

"You're it!" He yelled and tagged me. I stood there for a moment, until it sunk in what was happening, and I chased after him.

This game went on for a good forty mintues or so before we both collapsed on a park bench next to each other.

"That was fun," Austin commented, smiling widely, like a little kid.

"Agreed, but I won," I said.

"No way, you were it when we stopped!" he said.

"No, you were," I said back to him.

"Nope," he said.

"Fine, how about an agreement, we'll call it a tie," I said to him.

"No, I think I won," he insisted. I just laughed and shook my head, turning to face him.

"Fine, since you're so all mighty," I said. My eyes locked with his and he smiled lightly at me. I smiled widely back at him. This was a good time and I loved these sorts of moments.

What I didn't expect though, was that he'd be leaning in towards me slowly, pretty obviously as to what he was doing. What I really didn't expect, is that I would be doing the same thing towards him. Moments later, there was only a tiny gap left between us and honestly, I was nervous, excited, and so many other things that I wouldn't be able to point out.

"Dude, I can't see, what's happening?" I heard the words and immediately pulled back. Austin looked just as shocked as I did.

"Shut up," I heard another whisper.

"Shit, I think they heard us," repeated voice number one.

"That's why you shut up," the second voice said again.

"You both blew our cover already, so you might as well talk louder," a third, more annoyed voice said.

"Our cover as the innocent park bush,"

"What the heck?" Austin questioned, looking at me with sad eyes. I gave him the same look and sighed.

"You guys," I yelled to them, "Get out of the bush," I sighed.

"See, now look what you did, we were so close," The third voice said again.

Moments later Jonathan, Kyle, and Caleb emerged from the bushes and I sighed again.

"Well, I think we figured out who set it up," I commented to Austin.

"Yeah," He frowned slightly and nodded, mumbling something to himself. I sighed again and looked at me feet.
♠ ♠ ♠
So there's a few reasons as to why I'm getting this out now
1. So I don't forget my idea
2. Because I like writing this story a lot
3. I'm stuck on ideas for my other story, so I'm going with this one for a bit

And that's about it, it seems that this story has taken a new turn
Or maybe that's what I want you to think (Either way it was slightly awkward to write)
But you'll have to keep reading to find out

Thanks for reading though