Don't Believe Everything You Hear

Chapter 29

"Selena, wake up,"

"No, go away," I mumbled into my pillow.

"Wake up, and we'll go away,"

"How about you go away, then I don't wake up," I mumbled. "Just go away Jonathan,"

"I'm not Jonathan,"

"Neither am I," a second voice laughed. It sounded really creepy. I opened one eye to see Caleb's big head in my face.

"Oh, what a pretty sight," I mumbled.

"Wakey wakey," Kyle smiled.

"I don't want to," I mumbled.

"You have to go to school," Kyle laughed.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because nobody will hire your lazy butt if you don't," Caleb told me, pulling me out of bed.

"Aww, and I had my heart set on becoming manager on McDonalds," I said.

"Fine, reason number two, you can see lover boy," Kyle smiled.

"Oh bite me," I mumbled and flopped down on the floor.

"Very tempting offer, but no," Kyle said. "Get up, you can't just leave him all alone,"

"Who?" I asked.

"Lover boy, don't tell me that you still haven't figured that out," Kyle whined.

"Maybe I have, maybe I'm just in denial about it," I told him.

"You can't be in denial, not after last night," Kyle laughed.

"Why can't I? He pretends like he doesn't know me all the time, I think I can leave him alone for one day," I mumbled, really tired.

"No you can't, you don't work like that and you know it," Caleb murmured.

"Well it's never too late to start," I whined, "Oh who am I kidding, I couldn't do that even if I tried,"

"Besides, even if you could, we wouldn't let you," Caleb said proudly, gesturing to Kyle and himself.

"Why are you two here again?" I asked.

"We spent the night," Kyle said proudly.

"Delightful," I said, getting to my feet, but sitting on the bed, "today is gonna be really awkward," I mumbled.

"No it won't be," Jonathan assured me, walking absently into my room.

"Yeah, it probably will be," I said.

"Well you should have thought about that before you almost kissed him last night," Kyle said in a childish voice.

"It wouldn't have been so bad if the bushes didn't start talking," I said glaring at them.

"Time to go," Caleb stated, "You get ready for school, I'm driving," he said dangling his keys in the air.

"Oh geeze, we're safe," I laughed sarcastically. Everybody exited my room, and I got ready for the very long day ahead of me.


"You're late," Mr. Marks told me as I walked into the class room, "You too Mr. Turman,"

"Sorry, we had a bit of a late head start this morning," I said. Caleb nodded. I looked at the class. All eyes were on us. All except for one person, who was looking away completely. I'm sure it's easy to guess who that is.

"Yeah, then my car died," he said. I mentally laughed at Caleb's lame excuse.

"Oh, and then did your flying pony bring you to school?" the teacher asked sarcastically.

"No, I only ride Ben on weekends," Caleb stated, and Mr. Marks glared. "And he prefers the term flying companion,"

"Sarcasm isn't necessary," Mr. Marks said to him.

"But you were just sarcastic about the pony thing," I said, questioningly.

"Yes, but I'm a teacher," he stated.

"Prove it," Caleb said. Mr. Marks simply pointed to the certificate hanging by his desk, "I can buy one of those on the internet, what's that prove?" Caleb asked.

"It proves that both of you are being sent to the principal's office, NOW!" He said, rather loudly. I sighed and walked out of the classroom, Caleb behind me.

"Very nice Caleb, it only took five minutes of school for you to be sent here, is that a new record?" The receptionist in the office asked.

"No, I've done better," Caleb stated, laughing. The receptionist simply rolled her eyes, but chuckled a bit none the less.

"What did you do this time, Turman?" The principal asked.

"The teacher was bad mouthing Ben," he stated defensively.

"Okay, and what about you?" he asked me.

"I'm an accessory to the crime," I stated.

"You sit down, Turman come with me," the principal stated. I sighed and did as I was told. After a few minutes in the office the door opened again.

"Hello Austin, why are you here today?" The receptionist asked nicely. My head shot up and I looked at the door. Sure enough, Austin was standing there with all of his school stuff in hand.

"I was throwing some stuff at the teacher," he laughed. Once again, the receptionist rolled her eyes.

"Take a seat," she sighed and put on head phones, doing something on her computer now. Austin took a seat next to me. I laughed.

"What did you throw at him?" I asked.

"An armada of paper airplanes," He laughed. I laughed a bit and nodded.

"So since I know you didn't do it for no reason, why did you do it?" I asked him.

"Because I was bored, and decided that I wanted to talk to you," he stated plainly.

"About what?" I asked, raising an eye brow.

"I don't know, you're good conversation," he stated.

"Well right now, all I'll really be is tired conversation," I stated, yawning loudly.

"Then sleep," Austin stated, "I'll be the human pillow for a day," he laughed. I smiled a bit. I wasn't expecting things to be this calm after last night, but I liked it.

"I probably shouldn't, I'm awaiting punishment," I laughed.

"Trust me, this is your punishment," he stated. "When you get sent here all they do is keep you here all day, unless it was something really bad, then you actually get a detention," he told me.

"That's odd," I mumbled, "Then why did Jonathan get a detention, just for talking?" I asked.

"Because a teacher gave that to him, he wasn't sent to the office," He said. I simply nodded, too tired for anything else.

"So sleep, because I'll need you to get through this really boring day ahead of us," he said, laughing.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Basically, it means sleep now, so you'll be good conversation later," he laughed.

"Oh,' I said tiredly. I sighed and put my head on his shoulder, falling asleep quickly.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one was pretty stupid, I'd have to say
I appologize