Don't Believe Everything You Hear

Chapter 30

"You two, wake up, I want to leave," said an annoying voice.

"What happened?" Austin asked, sitting up.

"You two need to leave already, I want to go home, but can't until everybody is out of here," the receptionist said, annoyed.

"What if I wanted to stay late, and study up for my office-drawing class," Austin said.

"If you don't leave, you'll get to practice every day for the rest of the week," she said nicely.

"Ooh, is that a threat?" He asked.

"Please, just leave, I've had a long day," she said, pushing us out the door.

"You just touched me, if I thought it was inappropriate, I could sue you," Austin laughed, she just rolled her eyes and walked off.

"You're such a jerk," I laughed.

"But you love me," he smiled. I rolled my eyes and looked away,

"You know, I'm amazed at how far this friendship has gone," I said randomly.

"Well, I wouldn't have really called it a friendship in the beginning," he laughed. "Or even sometimes now," he added.

"Yeah, but you actually talk to me now, instead of stand as far away as you possibly can," I told him. He shrugged a bit.

"You have a good point, I guess, but still," he said. "You know, I was wrong about you," he said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You really weren't good conversation today," he laughed. I chuckled a little bit and smiled at him. "You wouldn't even wake up and give me the time of day," he smiled.

"You should have just pushed me out of the chair, which probably would've woken me up," he said.

"Maybe, but you look cute when you sleep," he said like a little kid and pinched my cheeks. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Thank you?" I questioned more than said.

"Your welcome," he smiled widely at me. I laughed a little and sighed.

"So, what to do now?" I asked.

"Um, go home?" he said to me.

"Thanks, did you think of that on your own, or did somebody help you?" I asked, rolling my eyes and laughing.

"Caleb wrote it down for me this morning," he laughed.

"Haha, nice," I said.

"No, I'm completely serious, he wrote me a note and told me to come home ASAP," he laughed and pulled out a crumpled note from his pocket. He unfolded it and showed it to me, sure enough, it said 'come home ASAP.'

"Yeah, Caleb is really strange sometimes," I giggled a little bit.

"Yeah, just a bit, so do you want to go get ice cream?" he asked me.

"I have no money," I shrugged, "So that wouldn't really work,"

"I'll pay for you," he said. I shook my head.

"No, I hate when people pay for me, it makes me feel bad," I told him.

"Then I'll buy two and conveniently place one in front of you for you to eat," he said to me. I laughed and shook my head again. "I'm not taking no for an answer," he said and grabbed my hand, dragging me down the street to the ice cream place.

"Didn't you have to get home, ASAP?" I asked. "That's what Caleb's note said," I told him.

"I don't listen to Caleb too often," he laughed, "his words are more like suggestions," he said.

"Oh, you're so nice," I rolled my eyes.

"Ice cream here we come!" he said loudly and continued to pull me down the sidewalk.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short and suckish, so I'm a terrible person.

But I went to a concert, so at the moment, I'm happy with being a terrible person.
Because Run Doris Run, We Are Arsenal, Hello Hollywood, This Century, and the Summer Set@ chain reaction=Love