Don't Believe Everything You Hear

Chapter 34

"So kids, why don’t' you tell me what happened?" the principal asked us.

"We didn't do anything, we're innocent," Austin said.

"You like attacked us, who are you kidding?" The butt face yelled.

"Somebody, give me their story," the principal said.

"We were just going to class, " the kid started, "They stopped us and then hit us for no reason,"

"That's not true," Austin yelled.

"Then what happened?"

"I'm not sure what happened before, but I was going to the bathroom and they were all surrounding Selena, pinning her to the wall," Austin said.

"We were just going to class, we're trying to get our GPA back up for football," the kid claimed. I rolled my eyes.

"You don't even have class 6th period, so where were you going?" Austin defended.

"We were going to study hall," the kid said quickly, "It's like a class."

"Selena, you've been rather quiet, so why don't you tell us your story?" the principal said.

I told him the story of what happened. Everything from when they called me to when the principal showed up. I'm not entirely sure if he was believing it though.

"So, is that all the stories now?" the principal asked. We all stayed quiet. Out of nowhere, the door opened and a cop walked in. I gulped as my eyes widened.

"Selena, Austin," The principal started, all the boys just smirked. I felt like my heart was about to burst from anticipation. I looked at Austin and he was wearing a smile on his face. I looked at him oddly for a moment, "You two may go back to class," the principal said. I cheered.

"But sir-" The boy said.

"No buts, we're gonna be having a small talk about ethics and respecting girls today. And I think that the sheriff can help me with that," he said.

"But we did nothing," the boy yelled.

"That's not what the security camera say," the principle said, holding up a tape of footage. "Now you two get back to class," he told us sternly.

"Is that why you were all smiley? Because you saw the cameras?" I asked him as we left the office. He simply nodded.

"You can lie all you want as a person, but you can't as a camera," he stated. I smiled.

"I'm just glad we came out as innocent," I said to him. He smiled and nodded.

"That took a lot less time than I thought," Austin laughed. "It's been like ten minutes." He said. I nodded. We got back to Mr. Marks' class and walked in.

When we did, he stopped the class and looked at us, but went back to it soon enough.

As I was walking back to my seat, I looked at Caleb and he gave me thumbs up. Austin and I told the story to him yesterday, so he knew what all of this was about. I smiled at him and took my seat next to Austin.

"I'd have to say," Austin started, "We conquer," he smiled. I laughed and shook my head.

"I'd have to say again," he started. I giggled at him. "This was quite an adventure," he sighed.

"Not a very good one," I said.

"Well I'm glad that I'm kind of out of their clutches though," he said. "I can actually start hanging out with my friends at school, other then them, and not have to worry about every step that I take," he sighed quietly, seeing as the class was still going on.

"But what are you gonna do about them now?" I asked him. "I'm sure they're gonna be angry," I said.

"I didn't really think about that, I'm pretty sure that if this counts as a strike against them, that this would be their third strike for most of them," he said, sighing, "Which I'll probably feel bad about for awhile," he sighed again.

"What about the ones that don't have three strikes?" I asked. He sighed and shrugged. The bell rang and we ran out of the room.

"I don't know, I'm just gonna have to not be alone for awhile, always have somebody to help out," he stated, as we walked through the halls.

"So basically you have to deal with it for awhile?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah, but it's worth it, they can't do anything that bad to me," he said.

"That's not what you said a couple weeks ago, you said that they'd kill you," I stated.

"Yeah, but now they're not in as big of a group, and my ideas have kind of changed," he said.

"Your ideas changed that drastically, that fast?" I asked him. He simply nodded.

"Yes," he stated.

"That's odd," I said to him.

"What can I say? My ideas changed about you too, and I think that's one of the best things to happen in my life," he said to me. I smiled at him as we headed off in our separate directions to class.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this is gonna end soon
I'm not sure how long soon will be
but it will be soon

Anyways, thanks for reading peeps
I'd give you a cookie, but that would be odd.