Don't Believe Everything You Hear

Chapter 37

"What do you want to do today?" I asked Austin as we sat on the couch for yet another time that week.

"What can we do today?" Austin grumbled, "We're stuck here," he sighed.

"We could play checkers," I said.

"You suck at that game," Austin whined, laughing.

"That's why I beat you, how many times again?" I asked him.

"It's not important," Austin told me, kissing me lightly.

"Okay," I said.

"What about Monopoly?" I asked.

"That game is evil," Austin said.

"How about ping pong?"

"Do we even have a ping pong table?" Austin laughed. I shook my head. "What about scrabble?" he asked.

"We lost most of the pieces," I said.

"How did you do that?" he asked.

"It's a long story," I told him.

"It's not like we don't have time," he laughed. I thought about it for a second and shrugged, realizing that he was right.

"Well to make a long story short, Austin and Kyle got mad while playing the game and started to throw the pieces around and it turned into a Scrabble fight," I started.

"Then what?" he asked.

"Well there was a fire going because it was winter, and yeah..." I said. "Scrabble pieces and fire don't mix," I laughed. Austin chuckled and nodded.

"Why don't we just ask if we can go somewhere?" Austin asked out of nowhere.

"I'm not sure if that will work, but let's try," I said. We both stood up and walked to the kitchen where Mrs. Cook was making breakfast.

"Hello honey, how are you this morning?" she asked.

"I'm pretty good, can we finally leave the house today?" I asked.

"But what about the big bullies that you were afraid of?" she asked.

"Staying inside all the time gets really boring, and they've probably forgotten about us already, they're not that smart," I stated.

"I'm not so sure, what if they do still remember?"

"Hey mom," Jonathan smiled walking into the room.

"Hello dear," she smiled at him.

"What's going on?" Jonathan asked when he saw Austin and I standing there.

"Good morning to you too," I laughed.

"Morning," he smiled, "But seriously?" he asked.

"What's seriously going on in your room?" Austin asked, laughing.

"Nothing," he said.

"Then what was the huge thump sound?" he asked Jonathan.

"It was a couple of my friends," he stated.

"You have friends?" I joked.

"Ha-ha," he laughed sarcastically, "It's Kyle, Caleb, and a couple other people that you've probably never met,"

"Okay then," I laughed.

"Why is Caleb here?" Austin said. "Tell him to get his butt down here, we need somebody to hang out with," he said.

"So what's still happening here?" Jonathan asked again, changing the subject.

"We're trying to get her to let us go outside," I said. "Into the real world!" I said over dramatically.

"Mom, just let them go outside, they've been stuck in here for awhile now," he said.

Mrs. Cook just looked at him.

"Okay sorry," Jonathan said, "Mom, can we please let them go outside already?" Jonathan pleads in our defense.

"I don't know…" Mrs. Cook said. "It's only been a week and a half, what if they haven't forgotten?" she asked.

"Have you ever seen those guys?" Jonathan said, "Trust me, they've probably forgotten by now," he laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm still not so sure," Mrs. Cook said slowly. "But they can go," she finished.

Before I could comprehend what she had said, Austin and I were already being pushed towards the front door by Jonathan. Next thing, we were both on the front porch, our shoes being tossed out with us.

"So now that we have to be outside, where do we go?" He asked.

"I don’t know," I said, "How about the park?" I suggested.

"That works," Austin laughed. I nodded and we started walking off to the park.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oddly enough, I know where I'm going with this
and, unless I forget, I should be able to actually update pretty soon.
Also, I don't think there's many chapters left to this story now...but I could be wrong

I'm just not sure in general
Anyways, thanks for reading and all that fun stuff