Don't Believe Everything You Hear

Chapter 4

"Isn't that the scary girl from our school?" I heard somebody whisper. Yeah, they were really bad at that.

"I think so, did you hear that she's a cannibal?" One girl asked the other.

"I know, what's she doing at Denny's?"

"I can hear you, you know!" I yelled over to them, looking up. They immediately turned away and started whispering among themselves. They still weren't too good at it.

"She must be part bat, if she can hear us." One said to the other.

"Why did I come here?" I asked. There was nobody at my table right now. They were all going to the bathroom. This is one of those family breakfast things that they apparently had almost every Sunday after Church, which wasn't too bad.

"Hey," Jonathan said, coming back from the bathroom.

"Hi," I smiled at him.

"She must be a vampire! Why is Jonathon Cook hanging out with her? Especially willingly," they said. "She must have him under some sort of spell."

"There they go again," I sighed. "I can still hear you," I yelled over to them.

"Stop listening to our conversations," they said.

"Quit talking so loud for the whole restaurant can hear!" I said to them.

"Okay Selena, we're over it," Jonathan laughed.

"Okay," I smiled. In this one week Jonathan had gotten to know me a bit better. And he was also pretty much the only person who wasn't ashamed to admit that I'm just a normal person. Jonathan smiled back at me.

"Here is your food," said the waiter, holding two plates of food. As he walked away, I looked at Jonathan weirdly.

"What?" he asked me, catching my strange looks towards him.

"What about everybody else's food?" I asked him.

"Oh, about that, they left." Jonathan smiled innocently.

"What do you mean?" I asked, not getting it.

"They went home, my mom was convinced that we need some bonding time." He said using air quotes. I laughed at him.

"You're silly," I laughed at him. He just smiled like the big dork he is.

"I'd eat your food, before I do," he told me.

"Is that supposed to be a threat?" I asked, pretending to be scared.

"Not really, but I tried," he laughed. I smiled at him and started to eat my breakfast. It was basically silent for most of the time.

"So how are you enjoying Texas so far?" Jonathan asked me, breaking the silence.

"You really don't know the answer to that question already?" I asked him.

"It's called making conversation," he said like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"In that case, Texas is the greatest place I've ever been to, and the people are so polite and caring." I smiled sarcastically.

"At least you can make something up," he laughed.

"Yeah," I rolled my eyes.

"Are you ready to get out of here?" Jonathan asked me, a few minutes later.

"Yeah, let's go." I laughed. We both left, not paying, because Jonathan's parents had paid for everything prior to leaving.

"We're walking aren't we?" I laughed.

"Yep, it's not that far though." I nodded at his statement.

"So, what do you do in your spare time?" I asked him, for the sake of something to talk about.

"Um, I draw some stuffs, sing some stuffs, listen to some stuffs," he said like a little kid.

"That's specific," I laughed.

"What can I say? I'm a specific person," he laughed. "What do you do?" he asked.

"You've seen most of what I do. I draw, do homework, eat, and sleep," I laughed.

"Oh yeah, you eat like a trucker," he laughed. "How on earth are you so small?" he asked. I just shrugged.

"You're like my friend Kyle. He eats everything, but he never gains a pound, if the whole world were like that," he trailed off, with an amazed look on is face.

"Calm down boy," I said, putting my hands on his shoulders. He just laughed at me. "I think you put too much syrup on them waffles," I said.

"Maybe a little bit," he said, holding his head.

"Is the place spinning yet?" I asked him laughing.

"No," he said, as he almost tripped over a crack in the ground.

"Okay, sure. I believe that," I rolled my eyes.

"Good, because you should," he smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is one kind of sucks.
But there's a secret hidden meaning to it all.
But it's hidden
Maybe I'll post another one later tonight to make up for it.

But for now, thank you for reading.