The Best Story in the World

Chapter 3

As if rehearsed, Panic! At The Disco burst through the castle doors dramatically and ate the wolf. Ryan decided to make a fur coat out of its skin for his pet hermaphrodite. Brendon took his microphone and shoved it in a tree. Spencer hailed a cab and went to Mc Donald’s to buy a super sized Happy Meal. Jon was in his own little world, admiring a line of ants that were making their way out through the window, carrying the crown jewels. Jon chucked to himself, that was the funniest thing he had ever seen.

Rick shrieked and lifted his hand to this forehead in a faint, “The crown jewels! Kill those ants! Throw Brendon at them!”
Milady, Rick, Ryan, Spencer (still holding his chocolate sundae) and Jon all advanced toward Brendon.

“Why me?” Brendon asked, stepping back in offence.

“Because Spencer’s too fat, Milady’s too delicate, Ryan’s too bi-sexual and I, Rick Miman, cannot be thrown because it would totally ruin my complexion.” Rick explained.

“What about the lamp?” Brendon asked.

“What is this ‘lamp’ you speak of?” Asked the couch curiously.

“The one that’s allergic to orange.” Brendon clarified.

“Quick! The horrid ants are getting away!” screeched Milady. “We need exterminators!”