The Best Story in the World

Chapter 5

Then, Gerard noticed his band members had left, “Where are my fellow exterminators?”

“They left. It was Milady’s fault. She chucked a hissy fit. You should have seen her! She was crazy!” said Rick.

“You can’t blame me! Look at this place, I can’t handle it!” screamed Milady as she ran up the stairs to view her uniform collection.

“What do we do now?” asked Jon, “We have to choose whether to kill the ants that are still stealing the crown jewels or fight the giant flamingo and rescue Ryan.” immediately everyone began shouting.

“We could leave Ryan with the flamingo for now; it might straighten him out a bit and keep me sane.” said Gerard, fixing his hair up.

“But what if the flamingo hurts him?” inquired Brendon.

“Fine. We’ll go get Ryan” said Rick, “MILADY! Come downstairs! We need you!” Rick bellowed. Milady appeared at the top of the staircase in a Nazi uniform. Everyone looked at Milady with strange expressions on their faces, everyone except Rick, who was used to seeing her like this.

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer” said Milady, annoyed and slightly embarrassed.

The group followed Gerard through the kitchen and into the painting of a forest where the flamingo had taken Ryan.

“What the deuce? Ryan, come out of that painting, Gerard you idiot, it’s a painting!” Spencer said, ripping Ryan out of the painting.

Ryan howled in pain, “Hey, I was having fun with that flamingo! Aghh, my arm! Where’s my arm? SPENCER!”

Jon fainted; Ryan’s arm was stuck in the painting! The flamingo looked around, confused and began to chew on Ryan’s arm.

“I say,” the flamingo said, “Your arm tastes like gingerbread. I quite like gingerbread.”

Ryan squirmed out of Spencer’s grip “Run, run, run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man!”

The others watched as Ryan sped off down the hall, crying out his chant.

“Do you think we should go after him?” asked Rick.

“He does this often; he’ll come back when he’s ready.” Brendon said reassuringly. He rubbed his hands together, “Now, STOP THOSE ANTS!”

They ran back through the kitchen, leaving Jon behind, still in his faint, and stopped in the basement to collect the weapon of mass destruction.

“Yes, that’ll do nicely. Blowing up the castle should get rid of the ants.” Milady said.