The Begginin

Let the drama begin

One of the girls I've known since freshmen year came in and sat beside me.I always for get her name but i think it's Amaya.
"Hey Misha."Amaya said.
"Hey Amaya."I replied.
"So what up?"She asked.
"None know just blockin out all these haters."I told her.
"Yeah I feel yoou so how your baby?"She asked.Not really all that interested.
"She good.She at the day care now."I told her.
"Ooooo alright kool.So what up with you and Jeremy you guyz still together?"She asked. I know Amaya likes Jeremy has for the longest.But he never wa feeling her like that.
"Yeah we are.Kept strong threw the whole summer.The drama from last year only made us stronger."I told her.
"Oooo yeah kool cause you know females out here want yall two to break up."She told me ''by females out here"she meant herself as one of the many females that want Jeremy.
"Yeah i now but THEM FEMALES DON'T MATTER.Cause HE DON'T WANT ANY OF THEM ."I told her elaborating ob the important details.She couldn't reaply because the teacher walked in and began the class.
"GOOD MORNING CLASS.I am your math teacher Mr.Jones.And this should be a great year im so excited ti get to know all of you."He said.Just fuckin great one of those hyper ass teachers.
The bell rang in less time then i expected.Luckyly for me because we were doing introductions.And the bell rang before my turn,as if anyone didn't already know who I was.So once the bell rang I jumped out of my seat to go to my next class.Excited because I had Jeremy and Journey for that class.
"Yo what up Misha you looking real good so when you going to let me hit?"Tommy asked.Tommy is Jeremy's enemy in a sense they've had beef for the longest.And Tommy always trying to get Jeremy angry by bothering me.
"The day that you actually start looking good.As if dat shit would ever happen.."I told him as I continued walking.
"Damn girl you already know I be looking good.But i mean I understand since you got a thing for ugly dudes.I see you still with Jeremy.But you know you could still be pushing out my babies."He told me.
"Fuck off, Tommy before i kick your ass."Jeremy said form behind me.
"I'm just saying Jeremy if she can be having yo jits then she should have mine to.Damn or better we all get a ride and she be pushing out all of our jits."Tommy said with a laugh.
"You must be asking for death sentnce ."Jeremy said sounding ver pissed the fuck off.
People was startung to crowd around waitng for the fight thta was bound to happen.And I couldn't let Jeremy get suspended on the first day.
"Baby chill.Fuck him he aint worth it."I told Jeremy as i tried to pull him away.
"Yeah,Jeremy listen to that hoe of yours."Tommy said.Now this really pissed Jeremy off.Before I could stop him he was throwing punchs at Tommy.
"FUCK JEREMY STOP!"I yelled out at him.
"Whats going on?"Jermain asked me .
"Jermain stop him before he get suspended,"I told him.
"Shit yeah I got you."He said as he went o grab Jeremy and drag him to class.
Luckyly we got him to the classroom before security showed up.I thanked Jermain as he went off to his class.
"Let that fuck nigga mess with you or Aisha.I'm going to kill him not just beat his ass but fucking kill him."Jeremy was saying.
"Baby chill."
"Naw Misha he went ot far this time."Jeremy said.
"yeah he did Misha I agree with Jereny on this that boy had it coming."Journey said.
"Yeah I know but oif he keep talking about it then they going to know he fought and he'll get suspended."I told them.
"Yeah alright baby I'll calm down."He told me as the teacger walked in.
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oooooo drama there will be ,ore but not tonite im fraking lazy so enjoy and plzz comment