1000 bodies

1000 bodies

Hand in mine
Into your icy blues.

They stared emptily into the eyes of their partner. Takig their last few moments to think of what they've been through. What they have to do. What they're about to do. 2 more souls.

Their thoughts roamed to the years before. How it all began. They had to, of course. Two men in an affair? Preposterous. Just the thought of it can send woman gasping and man cursing. Two successful men at that.

After the first, they had to silence a second. Then a third, then a fourth. It was a deadly cycle. One which, over time, they took pleasure in accomplishing. As their body count grew, so had the measures of precaution they had to take. But precautions aren't foolproof. Someone found out and took action.

" You can't get away with it! I've sent proof to the police! You're on a fucking death penal-" The speaking man crumpled on the floor in a bloody mess, limbs askew. Dead. Number 998. All was silent. They knew what had to be done but it sent a jolt of fear through them all the same. No one spoke till the sirnes of the police cars jerked them out of their reverie. Pointing their guns onto their lover's head, they recited the lines that caused them all this trouble. Pain. They recited the lines that caused them to love.

And as we're falling down
I see your eyes.
And in this pool of blood
I meet your eyes.
I mean this,

Gunshots rang. A million shots were fired but only two bodies fell to the ground. By the time the police made their way into the drawing room, all three bodies were lifeless. Two were locking hands.

On the wall next to them were engraved the words written undoubtly by one of them beforehand.

1000 dead souls
We are the real Demolition Lovers.

A/N: How do you like it? Its cliche... Just needed to get it outta my system.