Only the Dramatic Love to Act

Running From Lions

That Friday, Jeremy found himself back at Andrea's house, except it was much later. Like, 2:30 in the morning later. While Garrett was in the living room watching a movie with his new boy friend, Jeremy and Andy were in her bedroom spilled over an empty tequila bottle and some empty and some full beer bottles. Andy's itunes was put on shuffle and was turned up as loud as it could be without disturbing Garrett. Laughter was heard throughout the entire house.
"Heyyy Andyy, what time is itt?" Jeremys words slurred and wrapped around the thin air, his brown and bloodshot eyes trying to focus on the digital clock sitting on a desk across the room. Dazed, Andy turned and looked, squinting to figure out that the red numbers showed.
"Likeee, 2:35 ish?" Her words were even more slurred then his.
A quick look of recognition flashed across Jeremy's face, and as quick as it appeared, it left without a trace. "Ughhhhhh, my mothersss gonn be soooo mad that I didn't call. Can I sstay here fur the night?" His head fell a little as he said that, but he quickly jerked it back up so he could see her response.
"Yeah thatdd be cool." She stood up and picked up the empty bottles and set them outside the fire escape so that her father wouldn't see if he would choose to glance into her room. She then took the unopened bottles of beer and hid them in the back of her closet, covered by dirty clothes. Jeremy then tried to stand up, wobbling as he did, and somehow managed to keep his footing. Like many nights before, he gulped down the last of his Corona and set it outside with the rest of the bottles, and started stripping down, so that all he had left on was his boxers. Andy turned towards him, motioned for him to close his eyes. He did so, and she turned back around, taking off all but her bra and underwear. By the time she told Jeremy to uncover his eyes, she had on a pair of short shorts over her underwear. He climbed into her bed, the usual routine, and she walked to turn off the lights before lifting the covers and laying next to her best friend. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer, she wouldn't remember.
"Night, Jer."
"Night, Andy."
Before they knew it, sleep claimed them.
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yeahhh its short again, but its just a filler.