Suicide Letter

Suicide Letter

Dont cry when Im gone. When I leave this world forever. When I take my own life. Its what I want. I want to die.
Because my life is horrible. Everday is the same. I wake up I go to school depressed, I get bullied and bashed, I come home and thinkself harm is the key to making things better. But its not.
Now as I sit om my bed writing this letter I gaze up at the rope. It swings back and Forth waiting patiently form me to come and hang from it.
Dont hate me for doing this, its for the best that I do.
I now glance down at the fresh deep slits on my wrists, I glare as the the pitchfork red blood oozes out of them and stains my white sheets. I glaze at my razor covered in blood, I grab it and use it for the last time cutting cleanly through my cheek. I scream out in pain, this pain is what I have sufferes so many times before.
I feel scorched flesh seep out of my cheek as blood trickles down my face.
My time has come now to go.
Remember what I said dont cry when Im gone.
Never be afraid.
Never forget me.
Always remember the good times we spent together. The times when nothing else mattered but just the 2 of us having fun.

Please saygoodye to my mum and dad for me.
And please seek revenge on thiose who bullied me, you know who they are.

Dont find a new bestfriend
Your mine forever.
Love you always.
I'll se you when your time comes...
