‹ Prequel: You Love To Hate Me
Sequel: Far From Home

Always Hurts Looking Back

Chapter 8

I walked through the music store's doors. The whole place was different. The walls were a different color. The whole place was renovated. I walked to the back counter praying to god that Michelle still worked here. There was a small silver bell. I whacked it causing a loud crash-like sound ring through the store.

Michelle's familiar face ran through the door. Her face instantly brightened.

"I should have known it was you!" She said.
"I've been waiting for so long to see you."

"Sorry I haven't come sooner. Work was killer." I told her.

"I've seen your pictures in magazines, and on the internet. They're amazing." She hugged me.

"Thanks," I hugged her back, and pulled away.

"Did you come here with anybody?" I knew what she was hinting at.

"Max and Ronnie brought me here. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them."

"So you're talking to them again?" She asked.

"The funny thing is that a friend of mine; Steve. He is the lead singer in a band that is on the label, and I guess Ronnie and Max's band got signed to the label. I met them again through Steve."

"Well that's pretty cool."

"Have you talked to Max since I've been gone?"

"Not really. He would come in every once in awhile asking if I've talked to you, but other than that no." I nodded my head.
"We should go out sometime. How long are you in Vegas?"

"A few days," I informed her.

"We should go out like tomorrow."

"We should," I smiled.
"So Michelle, update me on your life."

"Well nothing much is going on with me. I'm going out with this guy. It's nothing special. I still work here, and I still live in the small place I've been living in."

"Sounds exciting."

"How's LA life?"

"It's fun. The clubs are nice. It doesn't beat Vegas though."

"I don't doubt it." She looked at me intesly.
"Don't make me ask."

I had to think hard to get what she was talking about. I didn't understand at first, but as I started thinking outside of the box a light bulb lit in my head. I looked at her and nervously smiled.

"I'm going out with Jimmie." He eyes went wide, and her jaw dropped.

"Are you kidding me?" She gasped.


"You aren't supposed to be with him!"

"What?" She shut her mouth tight.

"Nothing, forget it. Does he make you happy?"

I had to think about the question before answering, "Well yeah."

"Then that's all that matters." She said her smile fading and her fingers impatiently taping the glass counter.

"Well I have to get back to the apartment. Ronnie wants us to go out tonight as a welcome back thing. You're welcome to come if you want to."

"Nah, I'll see you tomorrow. I have plans tonight with my boy toy." She joked.
"It was nice seeing you."

"Can't wait for tomorrow."

"Same here chicka," I smiled and left the store hurrying back to the apartment.