Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Eleven

“Can I help you?” the cook asked.

“Yeah…” He pulled his gun. “I need everyone to get into that corner!” he shouted, holding his gun up, and pointing.

“You heard him!” I joined Frank at his side, gun in hand.

Small screams and gasps rang out as the fifteen or so people in there gathered into the corner Frank pointed to. Then we went to phase two: Frank does his thing, and I do
mine. I listened to Frank randomly making small talk with our hostages as I emptied the register. When I was done, I rejoined Frank at his side.

“Can I get the first kill?” I asked. “I’m feeling hyper tonight.” I said with a laugh.

“Your choice.” He smiled at me.

I pretended to think, even though I knew which one I wanted. The preppy looking fake girl. Yeah, perfect.

“You know? I hate fake people. I think they should die,” I said to her.

“Please no…” she cried, but it was too late, I sent a bullet through her head, staining her bleach blonde hair red in some places.

“Lisa, you can choose who we’re bringing with us,” Frank said.

“Ok,” I said, looking through the group of people. “You’ll do,” I said to a girl who looked around my age, and very plain looking. “Her.” I showed Frank.

“Okie dokie. I’ll take her to the car, and you can finish the job,” he said. “Come on, up you go.” He yanked her to her feet by the arm. She didn’t fight back or anything, but she did look really scared.

“Ok, time for all of you to die now. Bye-bye,” I said before putting a bullet in each of their heads.

I picked up the bag and headed outside to the car, putting it in the trunk. I looked in the passenger window to find Frank hanging in the back, talking to the girl.

“You don’t need to be afraid,” he said. “As long as you follow the rules, you’ll be just fine.” His voice was eerily calm, which probably scared her more.

“Frank? Frank!?” I got his attention. “Your voice is scaring her more than your face is.” I tried to crack a joke to lighten the mood.

“Shut up and get in the car,” he said to me, smiling.

I got in and Frank sped off down the road. I gave him a kiss and looked in the rearview mirror. I caught eyes with the girl.

“You know, you really don’t have to be afraid. Just like Frank said, follow the rules and you’ll be just fine.” I was trying to be as normal as possible. “And, you don’t have to sit there all quiet. Talk, just don’t scream or make a scene.”

“Umm…no thanks,” she said quietly.

“Aww, come on. What’s your name?” I asked.


“Cool. Can I call you Jessie?” I asked.

“I guess.”

We talked for a while more, then Frank found a place to stop for the night. We pulled in, and saw the unexpected.

“You gotta be kidding me,” Frank said.

“What.” I turned around. “You gotta be kidding.”

“I guess they were going this way too,” Frank said, acting like it was nothing.

“Like the tone of voice, Frankie!” I said sarcastically. “We have a hostage, and four fucking cops are here. Find another place.”

“There are no other places. You remember what that guy back at the gas station said. This is the closet place for the next hundred miles. I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel like driving that long. You go check in and get a room for three. I’ll talk to her.” He pointed over his shoulder.

“I…never mind. Just be nice to her,” I whispered into his ear. “She’s scared enough, and we don’t want to make a scene.” I kissed his cheek and went in to get the room.