Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Twelve

*~Frank’s POV~*

I watched Lisa head into the office. Damn she has a nice ass. No, Frank! Still working. I watched the skinny cop with the glasses go into the office behind Lisa. I narrowed my eyebrows then turned to Jessica.

“Ok. All three of us are staying in one room. You’re coming in with us, and you’re gonna behave. Neither of us wanna hold a gun at your back while walking past them. But, if the need should arise, I have no problem with pulling it out in front of them. Got it?”

She nodded, and I turned back around.

“Just remember, follow the rules and you’ll get out of this just fine.” I said, looking at her through the rearview mirror. “I’m only violent when I have to be.”

*~Lisa’s POV~*

“I need just one room please,” I said to the manager.

“For three people?” he asked, looking over my shoulder.

“Yeah. We don’t have a lot of money,” I said, hearing the door close behind me. “Three people can fit fine into one room. It’s only for tonight.”

“Ok, can I get your first name?”

“Lisa,” I said, watching his expression change. “Yeah, I’m not too fond of it either, being the name of one of those two killers out there.”

“Here, fill this out.” He handed me a form, then went to help the next person. “Hello, officer.”

“Hey. Do you have two rooms with twin beds?” he asked. I suddenly felt eyes on me. “Hey, you look familiar.”

I looked up. “I get that a lot,” I said.

“You were at that diner a ways back,” he said.

“Yeah, I guess I was,” I said.

“Wasn’t it just you and your…boyfriend?” he asked.

“We picked up a friend,” I lied, handing the filled out form back to the manager. “See ya.” I took the key and headed out to the car.

“Got it?” Frank asked.

“Yeah. Those cops are staying here too,” I said quietly, trying not to let Jessica hear.

“Whatever. Let’s go. Come on, Jess,” Frank said, opening his door.

We quickly walked past the cops and to our room. We got situated in there and cleaned ourselves up. When night fell, we locked Jessica in the bathroom for the night, and we crawled into bed together.

“You think she’ll be fine in there?” I asked. “I mean, the door’s locked from the inside, right?”

“Yeah. Remember, I flipped them around. Don’t worry. Go to sleep, sweetie. We’ll figure out what to do with her in the morning.” Frank wrapped his arms around me.

I woke up once in the middle of the night and headed to the fridge to get something to drink. The light from the fridge blinded me, but also made me catch something in the corner of my eye. I turned. The bathroom door, it was open just a little bit.

“Shit. Frank!” I jumped on the bed.