Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Thirteen

*~Jack’s POV~*

It was the middle of the night when someone pounded on our door. Dammit, I’m off duty right now. Who’d be bothering us now?I thought as I crawled out of bed. I opened the door and a young girl almost fell into the room, in tears. She looked really familiar.

“Hey, whoa. What’s the matter?” I asked, taking her into the room and waking Rob up.

She was really crying so we calmed her down to get her to talk to us. We were cops, it was our job.

“Frank…and…Lisa. Back at that restaurant. They killed everybody…and took me with them. They locked me in the bathroom, but…I picked the lock and got out,” she said.

“Frank and Lisa?” I asked, looking back at my brother. “As in[i the
Frank and Lisa?”

“I t-think so. I don’t know.”

I ran into the bathroom and got dressed in about thirty seconds. Rob called Dan and Randy and told them to come over here. About five minutes later, we were ready to go.

“Rob, you stay with her, cause you’re the softest of us,” I said. “Come on guys. What room is it?” I asked her.

“Seven,” she said.

“Ok. Come on guys.”

The three of us ran out and ran to room 7. I knocked on the door and got no reply. I knocked again before I kicked in the door and barged in the room.