Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Fourteen.

*~Lisa’s POV~*

“Frank!?” I jumped on him and woke him up.

“What!?” he replied, sounding pissed.

“She’s gone! We gotta go NOW!” I shouted, already stuffing stuff into a bag, and trying to get dressed.

“No! We gotta get her, she’ll get them on our asses!” Frank said as he jumped out of bed and started getting dressed. “She knows the car, she knows the license plate numbers.”

“Frank! We can get a new car. Just, start packing stuff!” I shouted.

“Don’t shout, keep it down and if they come, they might think we left,” he said, pulling his jeans on.

“Open up!” someone shouted while banging on the door.

“Oh shit!” I whisper-shouted.

“Dammit. At least the lights are off. Come on.” He grabbed my arm and we ran towards the bathroom.

“No, the closet,” I said.

There was a loud bang as the door flew open. Frank had his gun but I didn’t have mine. I knew I was in deep shit now. I grabbed onto Frank as the lights flipped on. I knew I looked scared, but Frank kept an angry serious face on.

“You two step away from each other and put your hands over your heads,” the cop with the black hair said.

There was a pause…an awkward silence. Frank’s grip over my shoulders tightened as he seemed to be trying to hold me as close to him as he could.

“You heard me. Hands over your heads!” the cop shouted again as two others joined him.

“Fat chance,” Frank said, quickly pulling his gun and shooting the cop in the chest.

He fell back out of the room, but he wasn’t injured because of his vest. All three of them were wearing bulletproof vests, but Frank shot at all of them, just to distract them from us the slightest bit. It worked, and Frank grabbed my hand and we bolted for the door. We were almost in the clear, but one of them grabbed my ankle as I hopped over them, and Frank, who didn’t think to stop quite yet, pulled away from me.

“Shit! Frank!” I shouted.

He skidded to a stop, nearly falling himself, and turned to come back, but one of the cops was already holding me on the ground with his gun to my head.

“You fucking let her go!” Frank shouted, pointing his gun our way.

“Drop your weapon and come over this way!” the big one with the blonde hair shouted, ‘Randy Daniels,’ his nametag read.

I struggled to get away from the cop holding me. His nametag read Jack, from what I could tell. He had me down on my stomach, straddling me. He had both my hands in one of his, and a gun at my head. I tried kicking at his back, but the vest was protecting him. Randy, and the other cop with poofy hair both had their guns pointed at Frank. I looked up and saw him inching closer, still holding his gun out.

“Frank, just go!” I shouted.

“Drop the god damn gun!” Randy shouted.

I struggled some more, but Jack pushed me harder into the ground with each movement I made.

“You’re fucking hurting me!” I shouted.

“Shut up!” he shouted, and I felt more pressure on my head as me put the gun right at it.

I saw Frank doing something: moving by a car. He had something planned. By now, various hotel guests were standing in their doorways, keeping a safe distance. The guest in the room closest to where Frank was standing made the mistake of opening their door and coming out to investigate. It was another girl around my age. Frank grabbed her and held his gun to her head.