Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Sixteen

*~Frank’s POV~*

“That was a close one. They almost caught me, but I think whoever it was was still half asleep, because I hit a creaky spot on the floor, and they didn’t do anything,” I said.

There was no reply. I looked over to Lisa. She was sound asleep, curled up in the front seat. I reached over and stroked the side of her head.

“Sleep soundly. You’ve had a rough night,” I whispered.

I turned the radio on low so there was some sort of noise. I got to thinking. We need to get clothes and crap. We got nothing right now, except a lot of money sitting in a checking account. At least I have my card so I can get out money and buy stuff. We need to get some more money though.At least it would be somewhat easy.

The sun was already up when I pulled into a motel parking lot. I went into the office and got a room. News hadn’t spread yet, thank goodness. I picked up Lisa and carried her into the room, laying her on the bed. I needed to get her clean clothes. The ones she was wearing were scarred from the night before. I scribbled down a quick note and left it on the nightstand. I drove off and found a store so I could get some clothes for both of us. I went in a few stores and bought a few things at each, just the basics needed things: underwear, shirts, pants, socks. Lisa can shop for her own bras,I thought, kinda laughing to myself. I shopped for about an hour and a half before heading back. I was driving for a while before I noticed the cop car behind me.

Oh fuck!

*~Lisa’s POV~*

I woke up and Frank was nowhere to be found. I saw the note on the nightstand.


Went to pick up some clothes and stuff for us. Be back later. Love you


I got undressed and hopped in the shower. My body was pretty sore from the nighttime struggles. I turned the water as hot as I could stand it and let it wash over me, soaking my hair as well. I stood there under near scalding hot water for about ten minutes before I washed the remaining dirt off my body. Who doesn’t enjoy a nice hot shower? I had my soapy hair piled on my head when I heard the bathroom door open and close with a slam. Out of reflex and curiosity, I poked my head out and saw Frank.

“You scared me!” I shouted.

“I’m glad I didn’t do what I was gonna do.” He grinned. “I was gonna pretend to be a cop. I thought about it, but you’d get pissed,” he laughed.

“Now you have to make it up to me.” I grinned.

“YES!!!!” he shouted, ripping his shirt off.

I laughed and went to wash the soap out of my hair, listening to him fumble around trying to get undressed. I was standing in the hot water, with my arms folded across my chest, pretending to wait for a long time.

“Holy crap! That’s fucking hot!” he shouted as he stepped in the shower.

I stood there, grinning at him for a moment while he got used to the water. Then I jumped at him, and hugged him tightly.

“Hot water is good,” I said as I started kissing him.

“It is now.” He grinned and started kissing me back.

He backed me up into the corner of the shower close to where the water was coming out. The water was running partially over his head and partially over the front of my body. Of course we went on, but I’ll spare you the details.

*~Sometime later~*

I walked out of the bathroom wrapped up in towels. Frank was sitting on the bed wearing only a towel around his waist. I sat next to him and leaned on him. He wrapped his arm around me.

“You ok?” he asked.

“I’m fine. Just tired,” I replied with a yawn.

“There’s some clothes for you. You can find something to sleep in,” he said. “I’m gonna sleep too for a while.”

I picked out a t-shirt and a pair of underwear. I threw the towels in a pile next to the wall and crawled under the covers. Frank crawled in behind me and I felt his arms wrap around my waist.

“I love you,” I said as I was already falling asleep.

“I love you too,” he said back.