Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Twenty-Three

*~Switch POV~*

I was in shock while I watched the news. They had finally caught Frank and Lisa: the most notorious serial killers throughout the state of Illinois. Of course I was happy because now I could go into a diner or a store and not worry about being killed. There was still the other half of me that was upset. There was something about them that made me idolize them. Hear me out before you call me crazy. The way they just went around, not caring what people said or did. I loved people with that attitude. I never had intentions of killing people like that, but hey, a girl can dream. A girl like me. Maria is my name, I’m short, kind of, brown eyes, black hair, nothing flashy, but I love the way I look. If you have a problem with it, then kiss my ass is what I’ll say to you.

“Hey, Maria, did you hear? They were caught,” someone said from the doorway to the living room.

Oh yeah, there’s my two best friends that live with me too, Amy, and Natalie, who was at work.

“Yep. It makes me happy, yet I’m sad,” I said.

“Why? Oh, wait, I got it.” Amy sat next to me.

“I want to help them,” I said. “Look…” They were showing the footage of two cops bringing Lisa out of the store. “She looks so sad.”

“Maria, they’re serial killers. They’re dangerous. They deserve to be in prison. I honestly think they should be put on death row because of all the lives they’ve took and all the lives they’ve ruined.”

A few minutes later, the front door burst open and our other best friend, Ana barged in.

“I got to talk to them!” she said quickly.

“Who?” I asked.

“Lisa, and Frank. Jack let me in to talk to them. Did you see? Jack and his group were the arresting officers.”

“You talked to them?” I was surprised.

“Yeah. Since I’m a journalist, Jack said I could interview them. I’m gonna do a story on them.”

“Don’t just stand there. Sit and spill,” I said.

We sat there, listening to Ana’s whole experience interviewing them. It was a sweet, sad story. That made me want to help them more. I was already making plans in my head.

Days passed on and on. Ana was in and out telling us of her adventures of talking to them. It was interesting to learn so much about them. Although, it only made me want to go help them even more. I don’t know what’s coming over me. I’m getting urges to do something violent. Why? I don’t know. Within the next few days, I talked to my friends about it. They suggested a psychiatrist, but I protested against it.

“Amy?” I woke her up one night.

“What?” she asked groggily.

“I wanna rob a bank,” I said.

“What?” she asked a little more alertly. “How do you just want to rob a bank?”

“I guess it’s hearing about Frank and Lisa. Ana’s stories have changed me. I feel…violent. I wanna do something bad. Do you at least understand me?”

She grinned. “Yeah. I actually thought you’d never come around…” she paused. “I wanna tell you something.”

“What?” I looked at her through the darkness.

“You remember how I said I was a goodie-goodie when we first met?”


“I lied…and…I have an even bigger confession.”

“What is it?” I asked, kind of afraid to know.

“Frank, he-he used to be my best friend,” she said in a low voice. She sounded ashamed about it.

“Are you serious?” I asked.

“Yes. We worked together at a pizza place for a while. I was a cook and he was a delivery boy. He delivered a pizza to this one house and he never came back to work. That was the last time I saw him. I assumed that the house he went to was Lisa’s. I still have that assumption.”

“Oh my God,” I said quietly. “That’s crazy.”

“Yeah. I have an idea. We’re gonna try and get Ana to get us in there, then we’re gonna get them out, and we’re all gonna take off.”

“Amy, I love you!” I hugged her. “Today?”

“Yes. Get some sleep. We got a big day tomorrow.”

I turned and headed back to my room.