Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Twenty-Seven

*~Lisa’s POV~*

I woke up as dawn was breaking. I was surprised I’d slept so long. Frank was still asleep, as were the others, except for whoever was driving. I slid out from under Frank’s arm and made my way to the front of the van.

“Hey,” I said.

“Hey,” Ana said, looking over her shoulder quickly at me. “Have a good sleep?”

“Very,” I chuckled. “Listen, I’m sorry for yesterday, for what Frank did. You know, the whole pointing the gun to your head thing.”

“Don’t worry about it.” She smiled.

“Wow, it feels different talking to you outside of that little room,” I said with another chuckle.

“Yeah. Very different. We can talk, knowing that there aren’t cops watching us,” she said adding her own chuckle. “It was nice seeing you and Frank reunite. You two really love each other don’t you?”

“He saved my life. What else can I say?” I snickered. “I don’t know what I would do without him.” I turned and looked back at him. “Those days in jail killed me.”

“They killed him too. He told me how hard it was without you there.”

“What else did he say?”

“He wants to give up that lifestyle and settle down with you. Get normal jobs and start a family hopefully.”

“He really said that?” I went bug-eyed.

“Yeah. What about you? Do you wanna give it up?”

“Fuck yeah,” I said. “I mean, it was fun-in my sick twisted mind. There were good times with him. When I look back, it’s hard to imagine all the lives we’ve ruined. Thinking about it now, it hurts.” My voice broke a little as I swallowed the growing lump in my throat.

“Don’t worry. If you need help, we’ll all be there.” She gave me a reassuring smile.

“Thanks, Ana. So, are we almost there?” I asked.

“Maybe around noon today we should be there. I’m gonna stop at the next gas station, fill up, then when the sun comes up, we’ll stop and get something normal to eat.”

“You want me to drive? Are you tired?” I asked.

“Nah. Amy and I switched out during the night, then switched again about an hour ago.”

“Ok. Well, I’m gonna go wake Frank up, cause I’m bored.” I grinned.

“Have fun back there. Don’t make too much noise.”

“No promises there.” I turned and headed back, sitting back by Frank. “Frankie?” I whispered. “Frankie?” I whispered into his ear, making sure to get the most of my breath.

“What?” he groaned, still asleep.

“Time for school,” I said.

“No, mommy. I don’t wanna go to school. I wanna stay with Lisa. You go for me,” he said…still sleeping.

I held back my laughs. By this time, because he spoke so loud, the others were awake and watching.

“But you got that science test today,” I said.

“No science. Science is evil. They don’t like me. I wanna stay with Lisa all day long.”

“Aww,” everyone said in unison.

“What?” Frank sprung awake.

“Nothing,” I said, holding in my laughs.

“Where are we?”

“Almost there,” Ana said. “We should be in Jersey by noon. Where are we gonna go when we get there?”

“Good question,” Frank said.

“Do we have a map of just Jersey?” Ana asked.

“Nope,” I said.

“Oh well. Finally, a gas station,” Ana said, pulling off the highway.

“Yes. I need to pee like a pregnant lady, pregnant with triplets,” Amy said.

“Amy, we all do,” Frank said, nudging her.

“At least I didn’t go in people’s pizzas,” she said.

“I only did that once! Because those people went to school with me, and they picked on me. I hated them. They deserved my special pizza,” Frank said, causing us all to laugh.

“Remind me never to eat Frank’s pizza,” Natalie said.

“He can’t cook anyways,” I said. “He burns everything. Frank, remember your ‘cajun’ grilled cheese?”

“Yeah.” He snickered. “You ate it though.” He elbowed me.

“Eww, gross,” Maria said, laughing.

“Actually, I didn’t. Every time you looked away, I ripped off a piece and threw it on the floor. Why do you think that room stunk so bad in the morning?”

“Cause I spent so much time in the bathroom,” he said, with a proud smile on his face.

“EWWW!” Everyone shouted in unison.

“Ok, out, everyone. Go stretch, pee, get snacks, whatever,” Ana said, opening the door.

Ana stayed to fill up the van while the rest of us walked in. The person behind the counter greeted us, then he looked at Frank and I with fear in his eyes.

“YOU!” he shouted.