Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Twenty-Nine

*~Lisa’s POV~*

We all cheered as we crossed the state line. Except for me. Yeah, I said a quick “yay” then stared out the window. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

“What’s wrong?” Frank asked.

“Nothing,” I said, locking eyes with him.

“Come on, I know something’s wrong,” he whispered in my ear.

I sighed. “I really don’t know. Maybe it’s the fact that we left our ‘home.’ Or maybe I’m having second thoughts about some things. It’s complicated, even for me,” I said, using a quiet voice.

“Don’t worry. We’re starting a new life. I’ll help you through any changes you need help with. I did it the first time, I can do it now.” He hugged me and kissed my head.

I smiled. “That’s why I love you so much.” I turned and kissed him back.

We were driving around for another hour until we saw a place. There was quite a big house for sale. It looked like it would fit all of us.

“What town is this?” I asked.

“According to the map…Newark,” Maria said.

“I like that house,” Ana said, stopping the van.

We all climbed out of the van and looked at the house. The neighborhood was nice too. It looked somewhat peaceful. We just hoped that it wasn’t full of old people. The loud rock music that started playing in a nearby garage proved us somewhat wrong. It was coming from the house next door. It was coming from the garage, that was closed.

“That sounds really good,” I said.

“Yeah, it does,” Amy said.

We walked over and stood by the garage, listening to what was going on. They were playing a song, that sounded really cool.

And in this moment we can close our lids, our burning eyes. Our memories blanket us with friends we know, like fallout vapor. Steel corpses stretch out toward an ending sun, scorched and black. It reaches in and tears your flesh apart. As ice cold hands rip into your heart…

That’s if you still got one that’s left, inside that cave you call a chest, and after seeing what we saw, can we still reclaim our innocence. And if the world needs something better. Let’s give them one more reason now.

They ended there, probably due to someone messing up. All six of us looked at each other in amazement. We wanted to knock…but we decided against it. We didn’t want them to think some random strangers were listening to them, so we started walking away.

“Hey!” someone shouted behind us.

We all turned. Standing in front of us were four guys. One had kinda long black hair, and he looked really pale. The one standing next to him was freakishly skinny with dirty blonde hair and black rimmed glasses, similar to mine. On the other side of the black haired guy was a white guy with a huge fro. And the last guy had blonde hair, and a lip ring, he was holding a pair of drumsticks.

“Umm…hey,” I said. “Sorry, we didn’t mean to eavesdrop on your band. It sounded amazing by the way.”

“Thanks,” said the one with black hair. “I’m Gerard, the one with the glasses is my brother Mikey, the one with the hair is Ray, and last but not least, that’s Bob.”

“I’m Lisa, this is my boyfriend Frank. And these girls are Ana, Amy, Natalie, and Maria. We just moved out here…”

“Well, we’re still in the moving process,” Amy said. “We kinda just up and left our hometown and came out here. We don’t have much.” She was eyeing the one with glasses.

I nudged her. “You like him,” I said really quietly.

She just swatted me away, and played cool.

“Well, umm…I know that we all just met…but our house is big enough, if you guys need somewhere to sleep. You all can fit in the basement, and there’s an extra room somewhere,” Gerard said.

“That actually sounds pretty cool. We can listen to you guys perform your songs or something. That one we just heard sounded really awesome,” Ana said, eyeing Gerard.

“Thanks. It’s still a work in progress. Come on inside and we’ll get you settled and talk and stuff,” Gerard said, waving for us to come over.

We followed him and the others inside. I saw Maria eyeing Bob, and Natalie was eyeing Ray. Wow, they develop crushes fast,I thought, laughing inside to myself. They showed us around the house and where we would be staying. I was surprised they were doing this. We only knew them for what? Five minutes? And they’re inviting us to live with them? Crazy, but very nice of them. They had an extra bedroom which they gave to Frank and I, and the other girls would be in the basement. Not for long,I thought, laughing to myself again.