Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Three

We checked into a hotel after driving for about four hours. When we got settled into our room, I turned on the news. There was yet another report blaring about us. It’s funny, because no one has caught onto us yet. No one has been able to get an accurate description of us. Frank took a shower first, then I did. We sat on the bed, counting the money we got today.

“$1,125 today. Not bad for a diner,” I said.

“Not bad at all,” Frank said, hugging me.

“Can I ask you something?” I asked.

“You just did,” he laughed.

“No, seriously. We’ve made…err…stole, quite a lot of money. Have you ever thought about…settling down?” I asked.

“I have a few times. Especially when we get into a sticky situation where we barely make it out, I always think, ‘why are we still doing this?’ What about you?”

“Almost the same,” I said, resting my head on his shoulder. “I think about settling into a nice little suburb, and starting a family.”

“Maybe soon we will. When we come across a place that fits us. Let’s go to sleep now. We have another long day of driving ahead of us tomorrow,” he said, gathering the money, putting some in both of our wallets, and stuffing the rest in the bag with the other money in it.

I laid down while Frank fumbled around for a while longer. I heard clicking sounds as he reloaded our guns. I was nearly asleep when I felt him crawl in next to me. He wrapped his arms around my middle and held me close to him. I always felt so safe in his arms. He was just about the only person I could trust, seeing as he took me away from my abusive background. I felt his breath on my neck as I fell asleep to him whispering to me.