Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Thirty

“So, tell us more about the band,” I said, following them around the house.

“We’re still a work in progress,” Mikey said.

“Yeah, we all feel that we’re missing something. But none of us know what. It’s weird,” Gerard said.

“Well, Frank used to play guitar. I don’t know if he still does. He kinda stopped after we got together, because things changed,” I said. “Long, and very disturbing story, which no one needs to know…” I cut myself off before I spilled it.

“How long have you two been together?” Mikey asked.

“About a year or so,” I said.

“How did you meet?” Gerard asked.

“What is this? An interrogation?” I arched an eyebrow at him.

“Hey, you’re living with us, so we’d like to know more about our houseguests,” he said, arching an eyebrow back.

“No comment on how we met. That’s between the two of us, and at least one of the others, who won’t tell either,” I said. “So, what’s the band’s name?” I asked.

“Not really sure. We kinda got something, like picking cool words and stuff. What would you think about My Chemical Romance for a band name?” Gerard asked.

“You’re asking me?” I asked.


“I think it’s great. It’s something I can get used to, quickly too. It rolls off the tongue,” I said, laughing. “Well, I’m gonna go find Frank, and probably take a nap. Long road trip, very tired.”

“Hey, tell your friend Ana that I think she’s cute,” Gerard said.

“The same for Amy,” Mikey said.

“Why don’t you guys tell them,” I said. “I’m no one’s messenger bitch,” I said with a laugh, going upstairs.

I found Frank, laying in bed, looking at a magazine. I climbed in next to him and wiggled my way under his arm and got comfortable.

“Whatcha lookin at?” I asked.

“I think I wanna start playing guitar again,” he said.

“You know, the guys say the band seems to be missing something. I think they could use another guitar player. You should talk to them,” I said.

“Maybe another time. I don’t really want to intrude on them. They’re letting us live with them. I think it might be kind of rude to ask if I can be in their band.”

“True, but I would still keep it in mind. Cause I think your screamer voice would add well too,” I said. “They are nice guys. Gerard thinks Ana’s cute, and Mikey thinks Amy’s cute. I don’t think they’ll be in the basement sleeping for long.” I said before yawning.



“Take a nap.”

“I think I will.” I laid my head down on his chest and closed my eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He put the magazine down and laid down as well.

We were soon asleep.