Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Thirty-Three

I looked and saw him reaching for something. I knew he still loved to kill. He pulled out a switchblade and stabbed the guy in the side of the head. I backed away from the excess blood that spattered my way. I grinned as I listened to the knife being pulled out of the guy’s head. Frank was turning back to normal, quickly.He grabbed the guns, and I went for the ammo and the cash register. We casually walked out, and went back to the house. We managed to climb back into our bedroom and not get caught, or so we thought.

“Where were you?” someone asked.

I jumped, and the light flicked on. The whole group was standing there. This was awkward.

“Well?” Gerard asked.

“We went for a walk,” I said.

“And you snuck out for that?” Mikey asked.

“Yeah, about that…umm…we…just felt like going that way,” Frank said.

I shook my head. “No offense, but we just wanted to avoid questions, and talking. We needed some time to ourselves,” I said.

I studied their faces. The guys were buying it, but the girls weren’t. They knew the truth.

“Okay, time for pizza!” Bob shouted, taking the guys out of the room.

I glanced at Frank. He was staring at the ground, or his shoe or something. I felt awkward.

“You guys didn’t, did you?” Ana asked quietly.

“No. We went for a walk,” Frank said, looking at me for an agreement.

I nodded.

“Well, I’m not saying I believe you, but, I just don’t feel like arguing. Because I’m so damn happy,” she said.

“Did you kiss Gerard?” I asked, smirking.

“Maybe.” She rolled her eyes.

“Ok. We all know who likes who, let’s drop it now and go eat. I’m starved,” I said, walking past them and going downstairs.

“Okay, we’re playing truth or truth,” Ray said as we all joined them in the living room.

“Truth or truth?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Yeah. We learn about you, and you learn about us,” he explained. “We have to be completely honest.”

We loaded up on pizza, and started asking questions. It was Frank, the girls and I asking questions to the other four guys, and vice versa.

“How long have you guys been a band?” Maria asked.

“We’ve always been thinking about it,” Bob said. “We just formed the band itself like a few months ago.”

“Where are all of you guys originally from?” Mikey asked.

“Me, Ana, Natalie, and Maria are all from Illinois,” Amy said.

“Frank and I are too,” I said.

“What do each of you like to do in your free time,” Natalie asked.

“I like to draw,” Gerard said. “I went to New York to try and sell one of my cartoons, but that didn’t go so well. Then I witnessed the terrorist attacks, and that kinda sparked a song idea. Which probably was the song you heard when you guys got here.”

“I like to stick forks in toasters,” someone said.

“Ray! Shut up!” Mikey shouted, turning to smack Ray. “That only happened once. In my free time, I just like to do random stuff, practice bass some more, watch T.V.”

“I’m thinking of ways to make my hair even poofier than it is,” Ray said. “Also thinking of ways to make it come to life.”

We all just laughed at that. Ray’s hair, alive? Ha-ha.

“I steal souls,” Bob said, sounding completely random.

I laughed at the randomness, but everyone else looked at him oddly.

“I’m like Mikey, I just do random stuff I feel like doing when I’m bored.”

“You won’t be bored anymore though,” Maria said, grinning at him.

“Okay! Enough,” Gerard spoke up. “Have any of you committed a crime? Just say yes or no.”

“No,” Ana, Natalie, Maria, and Amy all said at once.

I hoped they’d think we all said no, but all their eyes turned on Frank and I.

“Yes,” both of us said quietly.

“Ahem. Okay, favorite creature that doesn’t exist in real life,” Ana said, breaking the silence.

“Vampires,” Gerard said.

“Warewolves,” Mikey and Ray both said.

We were having fun learning more about each other. Tons of stupid questions came up. Then, Gerard had to ask that one.