Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Thirty-Four

“Back on the crime related stuff. Committed a crime that involved hurting someone with no real need to hurt them?”

“No,” the girls all said.

Damn you, Gerard,was all I thought. I caught Frank’s look. He was thinking the same thing.

“Yes,” both of us said.

The guys all went bug-eyed. They seemed shocked.

“We’re done with this game for the night,” Frank said. “Come on, Lis.”

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me to my feet. We went upstairs to our room and laid in bed.

“Sorry, baby, that was making me uncomfortable,” he said.

“It’s fine. I was uncomfortable too,” I said, holding his hands that were wrapped around my waist.

We fell asleep, waking up the next day sometime around noon. It was a brand new day, and no one mentioned about the little moment last night. All of us pretty much got up at the same time, so we were all eating cereal in various parts of the kitchen.

“So, Frank, Lisa says you can play guitar?” Gerard said.

“Yeah. I did, I kinda stopped though. Why?” Frank asked.

“For a while, our band’s sound is just off. Lisa came to us saying that we could use another guitarist.”

“Really?” He looked at me, and I grinned at him.

“You really should give it a shot, Frank,” I said.

“I don’t have a guitar though,” he said.

“You can use my other one,” Ray said. “I have two, and one of them I don’t use that often.”

“Okay. I’ll give it a shot,” Frank said.

Later in the day, Frank went with them to see what they could do. Frank learned the song they were singing when we first came pretty quickly. As soon as he learned it, they played it all together. I watched, in shock. That was it. The band was complete.

“That’s it!” I shouted.

“What?” Gerard looked at me like he did something wrong. “What’d we do wrong?”

“Sorry. I mean that’s it! The band is complete now!” I said happily.

“Oh, I thought we did something wrong and pissed you off,” he laughed.

I just giggled excitedly and ran inside to get the rest of the girls. They were all in the basement, and I nearly fell down the stairs to get there.

“Oh my God! You guys have to get out and hear this!” I said quickly then ran back upstairs.

I was expecting the door to the garage to be unlocked, but it wasn’t. I planted my face into the door. After I rubbed my nose, I knocked.

“We’re busy!” someone shouted.

“Dude! I wanted the rest of the girls to hear you guys!” I said.

“Later!” the same person shouted.

“Aww, come on. Frank!” I whined.

“We’re busy,” Frank shouted. “Come back later.”

I grumbled and walked off to watch T.V. The rest of the girls joined me soon. I waited about ten minutes before going back to the door.

“It’s later!” I said, knocking on the door.

No answer. Just voices and random notes playing. I grumbled and walked back to the living room. The girls and I started watching a movie. Then another movie. Then one more. We were halfway through a fourth when I heard the garage door open.

“Lisa!? Can you come here? The rest of them can too,” Frank shouted.

I went to the garage, the rest of the girls in tow. Frank pointed to a chair set up in front of an empty spot. That empty spot was soon filled up by the band.

“Lisa?” Gerard started. “Frank said he wanted to do something special for you. That’s why we were locked away in here all day. I said he should sing, but he insisted that I sing it. So, this song’s for you, from Frank.”

[insert 'Demolition Lovers' lyrics here]