Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Thirty-Eight

~*Ana’s P.O.V*~

Us girls still slept in the basement. I was pacing around, thinking.

“Ana, come and sleep,” someone said.

I looked and saw Amy sitting up slightly.

“I don’t believe them. We bust them out of jail, get them a fresh start on life, and they’re back at it.”

“They were sleeping.”

“You can’t tell, can you?”


“Both times when we asked them where they were or whatever, they both answered. If it was true they were sleeping, or out for a walk, wouldn’t one answer be enough?”

“Huh? I’m lost.”

“When we found them crawling in their bedroom window, we asked where they were. They both said they were out for a walk. Then when they joined us earlier tonight, and we asked again. They both said they were sleeping. Why would both of them need to answer?”

“Ana, you’re weird.”

“Call me crazy, but being a journalist has taught me a few things. Like, how to read people by their gestures, or their answers, or even how they talk.”

“I believe her,” someone else said.

“Thank you, Natalie,” I said.

“Whatever. I’m going back to bed.” Amy turned over and pulled the covers over her head.

“I do believe you, and I think they’re lying too. Just as you said, we helped them, and now they’re back at it.”

“I hate to say it, but, I think we got screwed over. When I first met Frank, he told me that he wanted to give it all up so badly. Just to settle down with Lisa and start a normal life.”

“Well, not to be mean and cut you off, but I’m going back to bed. You should sleep too. Tomorrow will be a fresh start.”

“You’re right.” I flopped down on the couch and laid there.

I couldn’t sleep, because I was kind of pissed inside. I can’t believe I got lied too. And because of it, my boyfriend died. I sighed and got up again. I snuck upstairs to Gerard’s room. His light was still on, so he must’ve been awake. I knocked.

“Come in,” he said.

I went in. “Hey.”

“What’s up?” he asked, grinning.

“Can I talk to you?”

“Yeah. About what?”

“Frank and Lisa…” I told him everything.

“Ana? I know. I saw it on the news.”

“Just don’t say anything to them. Please? Act normal. I’m trying to think of something to do about this whole thing. I don’t believe it when they come climbing in their window and they say they went for a walk.”

“I’ll be cool, as long as nothing happens.”

“Thanks, Gerard.”

“I’m amazed at how easy you guys got them out of jail.”

“I am too. Amy told me how they got a hold of some guns and then they just shot up the place. I didn’t know they were that violent.”

“Heh. Come on, you look tired, lay down.” He patted his bed. “Comfy comfy.”

I chuckled and laid by him. I was out like a light in two seconds.