Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Forty-Two

“Uh, excuse me,” one of them said.

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t see you there,” he said.

“Whatever, can you move please?”

“Oh, yeah.”

He started to move the cart, but then he pulled it to block them again.

“You know, I don’t take kindly to anyone talking about me or my girlfriend,” he said.


“Queen Puffy Eyes? Who are you calling ugly?” I asked.

They turned to me. Both of them went pale under their fake tans. Man, what is with chicks and fake tans? I pulled out my gun subtly, and pointed it at them. I had looked up already and saw where the store cameras were. They turned back to Frank, and he was holding his gun out too, but not as visible.

“Walk,” Frank said.


“But nothing…” I started. “You don’t wanna know what happened to the last girl that didn’t obey his orders.”

“What, is that you?” one of them asked. She wasn’t taking the situation seriously.

“No. She ended up with a huge hole through her head,” I said.

“So, walk,” Frank said again.

They didn’t say anything more as they started walking slowly in front of us. Frank had his gun pointed at one, and I had mine pointed at the other. We were lucky to be wearing hoodies, so our sleeves covered up the guns. We walked out and forced them into the back of the car. Frank took off while I sat facing them in the back.

“This is a familiar situation, although last time we only had one girl. We didn’t want to kill her, but we had to, when she managed to escape from the bathroom, and run to the cops. That was when we first had our run-in with the cops. I really liked her too, she was sweet, but she broke the rules, so she made friends with a bullet,” I said. “So, if you want to live through this, you’ll do what we say. Got it?”

They both nodded.

“What are your names?”

“I’m Kim,” the one with the short hair said.

“Allison,” the other one said.

“All right. I’m sure you know us. And don’t think we’ll be easy on you. You should pay more attention to who you talk trash about. I’m sure you two would know that crying makes your eyes puffy.”

They both looked down and stared at their feet.

“Frank, where are we going?” I asked.

“I dunno. Where should we go?”

“Shopping,” I said. “Since this happened, we never got our stuff.”

“Ok. We’ll drive a little longer though, then we’ll find a place.”

We drove for about another hour, mostly in silence, and Frank finally pulled into a place.

“Who’s going in?” I asked.

“I’ll stay with them. You go on in.”

I gave him my gun and I went inside. I grabbed a few things, paid for them and was out less than twenty minutes later. We were off again, but not for long because Frank had to get gas. I looked out the window at him, then went back to the girls.

“You know, as intimidating as he looks, that guy is the sweetest guy I’ve ever known. He saved my life. He took me away from an abusive family. You can say he’s creepy, and in some ways, he can be, but there’s no one as caring as that guy right there. You remember that when you two are screwing some college jock who has no feelings for you, and just wants in your pants,” I said.

They continued to stare at the floor.

“And, don’t be afraid to say anything. We’ll answer most of your questions, and we’ll let you know when we want you to shut up.”

“With all due respect, how did you guys get out of jail?” Kim asked.

“The group of cops that arrested us, they were assholes. The leader’s girlfriend was a journalist, and she wanted a story. I made friends with her, and Frank used his perfect lying ways on her. We sort of screwed her over, but she and her friends managed to shoot up the place and bust us out.”

“What do you guys get out of killing people?”

“Frank’s got his reasons. Reasons that I don’t even know. Me? I was abused by my dad, and the rest of my family, so I guess it’s revenge for the life I never got to live. Everyone’s got a hobby.”

“You two are sick,” Allison said.

“And you two are fake,” I snapped back, holding up my gun. “Shut up time.”

They shut up fast and went back to the floor. I looked for Frank and found him inside, paying, I hoped. I watched closer. He was doing more than paying. He was robbing the place. That confirmed when I heard a faint bang, and saw someone fall. I stuck my head out the window to try and get a closer look. Frank, what are you doing?I climbed over to the driver’s seat and pulled up closer to the door. I could hear faint yelling, but I couldn’t understand it. Then there were a couple more shots, and he came running out. He got in the passenger seat and I took off.