Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Forty-Nine

~*Amy’s P.O.V*~
We come to you live with a breaking news report. Just as we thought something like this would never happen again, we have another diner massacre. This one occurred at a Denny’s in southern New Jersey. The crime scene appeared to be similar to all of the diner robberies that occurred in Illinois before cops finally apprehended the two that have been behind it. One Frank and Lisa, pictured here. They were apprehended about three months ago, just after a grocery store robbery went wrong. They were held for about two weeks before they escaped and fled the state. Nobody knows where they went to. But we have word of a few more robberies and murders that have occurred in New Jersey. Police have no leads on the Denny’s massacre. But, we do have this. A recording from a cell phone found at the scene. One of the victims had dialed 911 and had them on the line for fifteen minutes. Police have released the recorded call to us. We will play it, but we warn you, what you are about to hear may disturb you.

“911 what’s your emergency?”

“Do you want to live through this?…Then you just shut up and listen to what I say. Got it?…Actually, go to the corner with the rest of them.”

“All of you just sit tight. It will all be over soon.”

“What now?”

“We do what we do best.”

[Gunfire, screaming, then quiet.]

[Inaudible voices, rustling around]

“Come here!…Look.”

“Shit! Come on. We gotta go.”


“Very disturbing that is. Our sorrow goes out to any families of the victims of this horrible tragedy. We ask, if anyone has any information on this crime, please contact your local authorities. Back to you in the newsroom.”

“God dammit,” I said to myself. They did it again.

I got up and went to find Mikey and the others. I found Mikey sitting at his computer.



“Umm…there was a news report on T.V. A Denny’s in south Jersey just got shot up. They played a recording of a 911 call that was placed. Someone must’ve dialed and they listened in for a couple minutes. Everything got recorded. Voices, and the gunshots. Very disturbing. Anyways…we said we were waiting for the first news report, and I’m guessing that they did it.”

“So? Sounds like they’re heading south?”

“Yeah. Where’s everyone else?”

“I think they went to grab dinner and stuff.”

“We gotta get a hold of them and get on the road. We have to find them before something bad happens to them, or anyone else.”

“I’ll call Gerard.”

“I’m gonna get a few things together.” I ran up to our bedroom.

Mikey showed up about five minutes later.

“They’re on their way back. They’re gonna come, and we’re gonna get ready and go.”


“They were at a pizza place, and they also caught the report, Gerard knows where that Denny’s is.”

When they got back, I pulled the girls aside to talk to them.

“If we were to catch up to them, what do you think the guys are gonna do?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” Ana said. “I think that’s why I’m hoping we don’t find them.”

“It’s mainly Gerard and Bob I’m worried about. They seem to have short fuses,” Natalie said.

“Yeah. Mikey’s quiet, he wouldn’t really do anything, and Ray…well…Ana?” I turned to her.

“The middle. Either way. They’d take most of it out on Frank. I just have a feeling that the guys will try to separate them. I know for a fact, that just pisses them off more.”

“Come on, girls. We’re leaving,” Gerard said. “Let’s go get them.”

“But, we know they got that Denny’s, but where did they go afterwards? Back north? South? West?” I asked. “We have no clue where they’re headed.”

“There’s something I didn’t say about my car,” Gerard said. “I got stuff in my car customized, and there’s an anti-theft device in it.”

“I don’t get it.” I looked at him oddly.

“We can find out where they’re headed.” He held up a small black device. “There’s a tracker in it. If it was to get stolen, I could find out where they’re going. They’re heading south. It might take a while to catch up to the, but we can stay on their track.”

“Damn, Gerard, way to go,” Ana said.

“Let’s head off then,” Mikey said.

That’s it, we were off. I was still lost in thought though. I really hope we get to them before something terrible happens to them.I sighed.

“What’s wrong?” Mikey asked.

“I’m nervous,” I whispered to him. “What are they gonna do if we find them?” I asked.

“I’m not sure. Gerard is pretty pissed about his car. And we’re all kind of mad about who they actually are. It’s a bit complicated.”

“I just…” I started to tear up. “I just don’t want them to get killed or something. Frank and I used to be good friends before this whole thing started, and Lisa, she’s just a sweet girl. They don’t deserve this.”

“Amy?” Ana came back by me. “It’s ok. We’re gonna find them. Gerard knows what he’s doing. Don’t cry, cause I’m gonna cry.” She gave me a hug along with Mikey.

“So, Amy? You used to be good friends with Frank? Now I understand why you’ve been so emotional about this,” Mikey said.

“Gerard? How far away are they?” Ana asked.

“Umm…” He started messing around with the device. “A couple hundred miles. Looks like they’re out of the state, but they’re still heading south.”

“Damn. What doesn’t that thing do?”

“Print money,” he laughed. “Let me know when you’re hungry or something. We’re gonna drive all day and get a couple motel rooms tonight.”

We agreed and Gerard drove on. The ride was silent.