Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Fifty

~*Frank’s P.O.V*~

Lisa had been asleep for about an hour. Night was starting to fall, so I was now in search of a motel to stay at. I drove on, not finding one with vacancy. Hrm, this sucks. What is everyone on vacation now? And this guy better not cut me off. I was watching the guy who was barely in front of me in the next lane. He was slowly drifting my way, but he wasn’t all the way in front of me. Before I even saw the signal, he came over. I floored the brake to let him get in front of me. Then I floored the gas and sped after him. I changed lanes to get next to him.

“Stop jerking the car,” Lisa said sleepily.

“Sorry, Lis. This guy cut me off. Do me a favor, will you?” I handed my gun to her.

“What? Oh. Frank, are you sure?”

“He’s ridden my ass for the last hour, then he almost hit me. Don’t worry, it’s just him.”

“Tailgaters piss me off. Get up there.”

I floored it to catch up next to him. Lisa rolled down her window and watched. I caught a glimpse as she pointed the gun at him. He went to brake, but she fired at him. I sped on, watching his car swerve and crash.

“That’s what you get for riding my ass,” I said. “Oh look, a motel with vacancy.” He pulled in.

“You think we should get a little farther away?”

“I think we’ll be fine. Remember, I’m a good liar.” He grinned.

“Ok. Aww who the hell cares. I’m tired as hell. How much you wanna bet that cops are gonna knock on our door?”

“I’m sure they will. And I’ll handle it. Okay? You stay here, I’ll get our room.”

I looked in the rearview mirror and messed with my hair a little bit. I ended up sweeping it back. I got out of the car and put on my hoodie. I walked into the office and waited for the other people there to get their rooms. Someone was complaining about something, so I just sat in a chair and waited patiently.