Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Fifty-Three

*~Lisa’s P.O.V~*

Frank got out of bed, waking me in the process. He had his back to me the whole time. I watched him fold clothes and pack them, then he loaded our guns. I just stared at him. You have no idea how much I love you. You are my savior. You saved my life. If it weren’t for you, I’d be dead right now.I saw his head hang a second, then he looked my way. I giggled as he asked me how long I’d been staring at him.

“Can I ask you something?” he asked, sitting next to me.


“Last night, I should’ve asked you what you thought about marriage.”

“Don’t worry about it. I think the same thing. Promising to stay together, I think, is more of a commitment than signing a piece of paper that says you’re together.”

“I always knew we were perfect for each other,” he grinned and laid on me, half hugging me.

“I know. When are we leaving?”

“Anytime. The earlier the better, we can cover more ground. I expect us to be in Florida in about four days, depending on weather and work.”

“Load up the car, I’ll go get dressed.” I got out of bed, grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom.

I changed, and brushed my hair. Then I stared into the mirror. I wish you knew just how much you saved my life, Frank.I did my makeup and headed out, tossing my pajamas with Frank’s in his bag. I found him outside, leaning against the car, looking out into space. I walked up and hugged him.

“I’m ready if you are,” I said.


We were off again, continuing our road south. Once again, I caught myself staring at him. I couldn’t help it. I must be on something today. I feel like I’m staring at an angel. Maybe it’s finally dawning on me that he really did save me. Why am I repeating myself? Because it’s true? Yeah.

“Frank can I tell you something?”


“It’s about that night you delivered that pizza. I was gonna go hang out with some friends, but my dad said no. He said I looked skanky and that’s when he hit me, because I talked back. When I was sitting in my window, staring out into space. I was taking it in for the last time.”

“Lis?” He locked eyes with me for a second before going back to the street. “What are you saying?”

“When I say that you saved me, I mean you saved my life. I was about to take a bottle of pills but you called up to me. I was going to kill myself, because I couldn’t take living with my family anymore.”

“Lisa? Are you serious?”

“If I’m lying, I’m dying right now.”

“Baby, I’m just, speechless. I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything. But you know now why I love you so much.” I smiled and leaned on him. “I’ll never leave your side.”

“I’ll never let you go, or let anyone hurt you. They’re gonna have to get through me first.”

I smiled and held his hand as he drove on.

We drove on in silence for a few hours before finding a place to stop for lunch. It was too crowded to work. Frank wore his sunglasses, and I tied my hair back, and we walked in. We got seated and ate without being bothered. I was starting to wonder. Do these people watch the news? Or are we just that good at disguising ourselves? We don’t really disguise ourselves though.

“So, where are we planning on heading tonight?” I asked.

“I’d say we’re somewhere in Virginia. I’m not really sure. I’m gonna try to get us to North Carolina at best tonight. I wanna get us down there before it gets too cold. I can’t stand another Illinois-like winter.”

“You’re telling me.”

“You know, Lis, that ring isn’t only a promise ring from me.” He reached over and grabbed my hand. “It’s also a gift because we’ve been together for a year. It was a year ago last night that I came to your old house and took you with me.”

“Oh? Really?”


“Thanks for making me feel bad now. I didn’t know, otherwise I would have found something for you.”

“It’s fine,” he laughed. “Just you being here safe is gift enough for me. Especially finding out what you had planned for that night.”

“I love you,” I said.

“I love you too. Come over here.”

I moved to sit next to him and he hugged me.

“I got something for us to do tonight,” he said. “I finally got hair dye. We can pretty ourselves up now,” he laughed again.

“Sweet.” I looked up and watched the TV. “I wonder if they found what’s-her-name yet.”


“That girl we left in the motel room.”

“Oh. I hope it takes them a few more days. I’d think they did though, since they were doing a door-to-door.”

“Oh yeah.”

“I’m done, are you?”

“Yeah, let’s go.” I got up.

Frank left the money and we left. We continued on our way south. It was another silent ride. I took over driving for a while so Frank could catch a nap. He slept for about two hours, then he took over after we stopped for gas. I fell asleep for an hour until he woke me up.

“Found a place to work,” he said.

“Awesome.” I got out of the car and stretched.