Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Fifty-Four

We went in and ate first since it was about eight pm. Then I scanned around to start us off. I found the perfect target. He was average height, kinda thin, but very good looking. Black hair on top, red on the under-layer, and the iciest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. Geez, he might be too hot for me to try. Well, let’s go see.I walked up next to him at the diner bar and asked for a water, once again trying the sexy voice thing. Of course, the 40-something guy behind the counter seemed more interested than my target. In fact, he totally ignored the fact I was standing right there. Think, Lisa. How to get his attention. Hrm.I looked back at Frank hoping he’ll help me out here. He motioned to his stomach, and it took a second to figure out what he was telling me. Then I remembered. My belly ring! I know what to do now.

“Excuse me. Could I also get a bowl of vanilla ice cream too please?” I asked, casually messing with my belly ring, trying to get the area around it to turn red.

I looked down and saw my skin turning red. I let out a small hiss of pain, and a small “ouch.” I caught my target turning his head and looking quickly.

“You should get that checked out. I think it’s infected,” he said. Finally!

“Nah. It’ll be ok. I just had it done.”

“You shouldn’t touch it then. It really will get infected.”

“It’s fine, it just itches a little.”

“Here. Let’s see if this helps.” He grabbed an ice cube out of his water and touched it against my skin.

I flinched at the chill, but I looked up at him. Was he blushing?He was. I caught his eyes then.

“Wow, I know this might sound weird, but you have gorgeous eyes,” I said.

“I get that a lot. So, is that your boyfriend over there?”

“No. He’s my best friend. We’ve known each other for a long time.”

“Friends with benefits?”

“Umm…not really. He’s more like a brother to me.” I felt the skin around my belly ring going numb.

He moved the ice cube. “That better?”

“A little.” I caught his eyes again. “I can’t help but say it again, but how many girls got lost in those eyes?” I giggled a little.

“A lot, unfortunately none of them stay long.” He laughed. “I have to tell you though, you look awfully familiar.”

“Well, you don’t, so we couldn’t have seen each other. I never got your name.”

“Jared. Have you been on T.V. or something? I really feel like I’ve seen you somewhere before.”

“Well…” I looked back for Frank, but he wasn’t there. Bathroom?“…I don’t know. I have been told that I look familiar though.”

“Maybe it’s me. How’s it feel?” He pointed to my stomach. “Mind if I take a look?”

I shrugged and moved my shirt so he could look.

“Hmm. Maybe something was tickling it. It looks fine.”

“You go to medical school or something?”

“No. But I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night,” he joked.

I just laughed. How could a guy like this be single?

“Ha-ha. I didn’t go to medical school. I guess I just have an eye for piercings. Common sense to tell if they’re infected or something.”

“Oh, so you use those eyes for more than just catching girls?” I grinned.

“Ha-ha. The eyes, and the hair. Chick magnets?”

“I like it. The red and the black. I’ve wanted to try something like that.”

“I think you look nice with that color.”

Was he flirting back? Uh-oh. Lisa! Don’t make friends! It’ll be harder to kill him! Frank, where are you? I looked and Frank was sitting at the table. He was ready to go, waiting for me.

“Can I ask you something?” He came closer to me, but I didn’t notice his hand reaching until Frank shouted.

I looked and saw his hand reaching around my back. Was he going for my gun? He froze because Frank caught him off guard. I felt awkward for a second.. Frank gathered everyone else in the corner. Jared looked at me, and I grinned. He was speechless.

“I never told you my name. It’s Lisa, and, yeah, that’s my boyfriend, Frank.”

I was waiting for him to put his hands up and move toward the corner, but he didn’t. Instead, I saw a grin come across his face. Uh-oh.

“You may be famous, but I‘m the smarter one,” he said in a low voice.

I let out a short gasp, but before I could back off, he was already pointing my gun in myface.