Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Fifty-Nine

My eyes opened again. I felt better. I looked around the room.


He looked up at me.

“Lisa? You remember?”

“As I slept, everything came back to me.” I smiled to him.

“Oh, I feel better now too.”

“When are we leaving?”

“We’ll stay again tonight and leave in the morning. You need to just lay still and rest.”

He kissed my forehead and laid next to me. I moved to lay on his shoulder and we watched T.V. I fell asleep. The next time I woke up, it was morning. I sat up. I was dressed just in a big t-shirt. I heard shower water running too. I snuck by the bathroom door. I heard him singing or talking to himself or something. I couldn’t make it out. I quietly opened the door and walked in. The voice turned to humming. He was humming the song he had written for me with the other guys. I grinned, as I began to shed what clothing I had on. I tried not to snicker and I poked my head in. Wow. I was surprised that he hadn’t noticed me. His hair was a soapy pile on his head. I quietly stepped in the shower behind him. He’s not even paying attention. Wouldn’t you get the feeling of someone close to you, Frank? I’m standing in the water too. But god damn, you are so fine. I wanna do you right here in the shower. I wanna jump you, and I wanna do you all day long. Whoa? Did I just think that? Wow. I couldn’t take it anymore.I leaned as close as I could to him. I was inches away from the back of his head.

“I love you,” I whispered.

I ducked quickly as he turned, elbows and all. He nearly slipped and fell, but then he saw me. I was squatted down laughing.

“I couldn’t resist,” I said.

“You scared the shit outta me,” he said.

“Like I said.”

“Grr, you owe me now,” he grinned.

“YES!” I jumped up into his arms.

He wasn’t expecting that, so he stumbled back into the shower wall. I didn’t care. I just attacked. I full-on kissed him, tongue, lips, and all.

“Whoa…Lisa…Damn…” he said between my kissing him.

“I want you,” I said, panting.

“What’s gotten into you?”

“I don’t know. Come on. Hot water, hot sex.” I ran my fingers through his still soapy hair.

He was still taking in the fact that I even appeared in the shower without him noticing. I just continued to kiss him. Then his hands finally started doing their work. Up and down my body, and working my breasts. I turned with him and we moved to where the water was running right over us. I pressed up against him, and backed him into the wall. I moved one of my hands down and grabbed onto his cock. I could feel him getting hard. I rubbed it, turning him on even more. He moaned in my mouth. He let out a long sigh, which told me he was ready. I stepped up on the edge of the tub and I let myself cover him. Up and down. He remained there, leaned up against the wall. He was holding the washcloth bar with one hand and trying to hold me with the other. I also held onto the bar with one hand and had one hand on the back of his neck. He was leaning back, so when I arched my back, I wouldn’t fall. I arched my back as he came. We both nearly collapsed in the bathtub and I hovered over him, grinning. I leaned down and started kissing him again.

“I love you,” I said.

“I love you too.”

“The water is burning my back. I’m getting out.”

I got out of the shower and Frank got out behind me, wrapping a huge towel around both of us.

“Where did that come from?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” I said.

“How about we get ready and leave?”


We got dressed and packed up our stuff. I did my makeup as Frank loaded the car. I brushed my hair, wincing as I contacted the spot where I hit my head during our last job. I was looking down, putting my eye-liner away when arms wrapped around me. I looked in the mirror and saw Frank. He rested his chin on my shoulder. He smiled. I smiled back.

“How much longer till we’re in Florida?” I asked.

“Two days maybe. You might wanna wear a hoodie. It’s chilly out, and damp.”


“We’re ready to take off, are you?”

“Almost. I’ll be out in a few. I’ll meet you.”

I finished up and headed out. I went to turn off the T.V. but there was a breaking news report.

“We come to you live from a Holiday Inn motel just outside of New Jersey. Police were investigating a kidnapping of two Jersey girls. Allison Smith, and Kimberly Bradshaw. We sadly say that Allison Smith was killed. Reports came from a local Target where she was killed at the front check outs. She was reported to be with a guy, but nobody knew how she died. The male, described to be in his mid-twenties, wearing blue jeans, and a black hooded sweatshirt, was reported running away from the scene, but nobody saw who killed this young cosmetology student. We go back now to this motel where Kimberly Bradshaw was found locked in the bathroom. We didn’t get much out of her, but she said their kidnappers were wanted serial killers Frank and Lisa. She had been locked in the motel room for two days, when police had to break the door down to get in, as they were conducting a room-to-room for kidnapping information. Kimberly was admitted to a local hospital, being treated for very minor injuries. She is doing fine, and will be released later tonight. If anybody has any information on the whereabouts of Frank and Lisa, pictured here, please call your local authorities. Back to the newsroom for your weather report.”

I met Frank outside and told him that they found her, and they were looking for us again. We got in the car and we were off again, heading south.