Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Sixty

*~Ana’s P.O.V~*

Gerard was driving, and everyone else in the car was asleep. I crawled up to the front of the van and sat on the floor next to him.

“Can’t sleep?” he asked.

“Kinda. I had to ask. If we catch up with them, what are you gonna do?”

“Give Frank a piece of my mind, that’s for sure. He stole my fucking car.”

“You’re not gonna hurt him, or her, are you?”

“Her no. She needs a long talking to. Him, I’m not sure yet.”

“Are we gonna stop tonight?”

“Nah. Next gas stop, Mikey’s gonna take over. We can cover a lot more ground.”

“As much as I feel bad for them, I kinda regret helping get them out of jail.”

“I’m surprised you did it so easily.”

“I had connections. My boyfriend was a sheriff. I want you to promise me something.”


“I mean it.”


“If we catch up to them and find them, I want you to promise me you won’t try to get them separated. I’ve been there, I’ve seen how they are when they’re not with each other. It won’t be pretty.”

“I promise.”

“Thanks, Gerard.” I pushed up to give him a kiss then I went back to my seat, falling asleep.

Switching out drivers really did help us cover a lot of ground. Thank God for Gerard’s anti-theft thing-a-mabobber on his car. They were in North Carolina, staying in a motel. They were there for two days. I wondered why. It worried me a little. Was one of them hurt? When they were back on the move, I felt better. A lot better. News reports came through. Their trail. Made me shudder every time. Where were they going anyways? Florida? They’d get trapped down there, unless they’re planning on leaving the country. I gasped. That’s what they gotta be planning.