Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Sixty-Two

“No thanks, we’ll just walk,” I said.

“No, get in!”

“Not with that attitude,” Frank said.

The back door of the car opened and out came two guys, each holding a gun. One grabbed Frank by the shoulder, and the other grabbed me by my arm. They shoved us in the car and they took off driving. It was awkward at first. We had no clue what their intentions were. I squeezed Frank’s hand and leaned into him. I wanted to say something so bad, but I couldn’t. Frank wasn’t afraid though.

“What’s this all about?” he asked.

The passenger turned towards us, and started laughing. This guy is fucking insane.

“We know who you are, and we were ready to commit murder for a chance to meet you two,” he said. “I’m Sonny, the driver is Matt, that’s Travis, and that’s Derek.”

“So, wait, are we that famous?” I asked.

“Fuck yeah! You two are on the news everyday. Even if it’s for two seconds asking for info on your whereabouts. We all think you two are the fucking shit,” Sonny said. “Sorry about the guns, we just wanted to see what you two would do.”

“Right.” I arched my eyebrows at him. “You look awfully young to be owning a gun.”

“I’m eighteen,” he said. “What about you? You don’t look very old either.”

“Nineteen, and he’s twenty-five.”

“Cool. So, what brings you to Florida?”

“Hiding for the winter,” Frank said.

“Need a place to crash?”

“Umm, actually…” Frank started.

“We’d love to,” I butted in.

“Cool. We got a pretty big house. We’re a band, and our house has a recording studio, so you get the picture.”

“Nice,” I said. “So, are your friends normally this quiet?” I asked.

“No, we’re not,” one of them behind us said. “Sonny just likes to talk a lot.”

I turned, the one with hair similar to mine was the one that spoke.

“That’s Travis.”

“Do you really think we should live with them?” Frank whispered in my ear.

I looked him in the eyes, and gave a short shrug. I was good at talking with my eyes.

“We’ll give it a try,” I whispered back.

“You guys aren’t like-murderers are you?” Frank asked.

“We’ve pulled a couple of shenanigans,” Matt said. “We’ve gotten some pointers from a couple friends., and of course, how can you forget the world famous serial killers-you two?”

“Hmm. Interesting,” I said, looking back at Frank.

“Mainly for money though. We try not to kill, unless it’s necessary,” Sonny said. “I’m sure your story is different.”

“Well, we never answer why we kill. We just do,” I said. I was starting to grow uneasy with them. Was Matt trying to flirt with me through the rearview mirror? And what was with that look in Sonny’s eyes? Come on people, I’m not that good looking! “How much longer till your place?”

“Actually about another hour. We drove up north a ways for some supplies.”

The rest of the drive was silent, and quite awkward. When we got there, they showed us to the guest room we’d be staying in. They gave us a tour, then let us settle. Frank closed and locked the door.