Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Sixty-Three

“Lisa, I don’t know about this.”

“Me neither. They’re kinda creepy, and you know that not many people creep me out.”

“I smell another two AM sneak out. I gotta use the bathroom, need anything?”

“I’ll take a pop or something to drink if you go down that way,” I said, laying back on the bed, watching Frank walk out of the room.

I was dozing off a bit when I felt someone sit on the bed. I opened my eyes and saw Sonny, holding a glass.

“Frank said he had to go out to the store for something. Asked me to bring this to you.”

“Thanks.” I grabbed the glass of pop and took a sip. “Do you guys really idolize us?”

“I’ve never seen serial killers so confident in what they do. Even though you guys’ pictures are all over the TV, you still run around. Why do you kill though?”

“Frank does most of that part. I start us off and empty the registers. I’ll kill one or two, if they piss me off.”

“He doesn’t use you does he?”

“Frank? Oh hell no. He and I are seriously in love. He saved my life, a few times. But what’s your guys’ story?”

“Mainly the money. If we need a couple thousand here and there, we head kinda far away from here. That’s why we were so far away when we picked you two up. We did one yesterday. Made three grand.” He sat and scooted closer to me.

“Interesting.” I scooted away a bit.

“You seem uneasy.”

“Well, when you get a gun shoved in your face, then two minutes later they say they’re happy to finally meet you…it’s kinda weird.”

“Sorry about that. It was Matt’s idea.”

“What was my idea?” someone asked from the doorway.

I looked up at Matt.

“The gun thing,” Sonny said.

“Heh. I’m afraid you didn’t try to shoot us,” he said, joining Sonny on the bed.

I caught him staring, I dunno at what-oh wait-never mind. Why is everybody so fascinated with me?I folded my arms across my chest and leaned against the headboard. Frank, hurry back.I felt so awkward. These guys half-kidnapped us.

“I gotta go to the bathroom,” I said, getting up.

I quickly headed out of the room and to the bathroom. I opened the door, and nearly fell back.

“Whoa!” Travis shouted.

“Whoa, sorry.” I closed the door.

I sighed and went downstairs. I leaned against the counter and stared out the window. I just wanted to wait for Frank. I got excited when I saw him walking up the driveway. When he walked in, I hugged him.

“Whoa! Miss me?” he asked.

“Yes. Sorry, they just kinda creep me out.”

“You should’ve said something. I would’ve stayed.”

“It’s fine. What’d you need?”

“I went to get some money.”

“How long are we gonna stay with them?” I asked.

“I dunno. Not for long. I saw Matt staring at you in the car. We’re gone by next week, if we don’t kill them beforehand.”

“Ha. I’m gonna go lay down. All this excitement’s getting to me,” I said. “Coming?”

“Yeah.” He put his hands around my waist and we headed back upstairs.

Matt and Sonny had left the room, so we went to lay down in bed. Night started to fall, and I was just dozing off. I heard Frank softly snoring behind me. I listened to his breathing and I started to fall asleep. That was, until I was violently grabbed from bed.