Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Sixty-Five

*~Ana’s P.O.V~*

I was getting fed up with this road trip. It wasn’t fun. It wasn’t comfortable. To top it off, my mind was racing. I lost track of where we were back in South Carolina. I guessed we were somewhere in Georgia. Gerard was driving yet again. I was starting to doze off, but he called my name.

“Ana? Come here.”

“Yo. What’s up?”

“Do you think they’re gonna leave the country?”

“Well, they’re headed to Florida, so that’s gotta be their intentions. Why else would they go down there. They’d get trapped if they didn’t leave the country. What is their status anyways?”

“They’ve been stopped somewhere in central Florida all day. I don’t know what they’re doing, but they’ve been there all day.”

“Hmm. Odd. They’re usually on the move during the day. Weird.” I started to wonder. They could’ve abandoned the car too. Maybe they crashed. No! Ana! We’re gonna find them alive and we’re gonna set everything straight.

I gave him a quick kiss and went back to my seat. I looked at everyone else curled up together. Maria curled up half in Bob’s lap. Amy curled up next to Mikey. Natalie was head to head with Ray, seemingly using his hair as a pillow. I sighed and managed to fall asleep. I woke up the next morning to Gerard swearing, and waking up everybody as he slammed the brakes hard.

“What?” I asked groggily.

“My car,” he pointed.

We looked and saw a tow truck with Gerard’s car on the back of it. Gerard got out and went to talk to the guy. After what looked like a heated exchange, Gerard came back to the van.

“He’s gonna give it to me, but we have to go to the police to talk to them about it. A cop’s gonna come give us an escort.”

“Oh shit. What are we gonna tell the police?” Amy asked, sounding nervous. “We can’t just walk in there and say ‘We’re tracking the country’s most wanted serial killers, because we housed them and they took Gerard’s car.’ That won’t go over very well.”

“Amy, you think we don’t know that?” Gerard asked. “We’ll think of something, just let me do all the talking.” He walked away and started pacing.

I sighed. “He better think of something. Damn.” I kicked the passenger seat.

“Anyone got anything?” Gerard asked a few minutes later.


He sighed. I could tell he was completely clueless.

“I don’t think we have much of a choice here,” Gerard said.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” I protested. “No, we are not telling them the truth. Those cops will be on their asses like flies on garbage!” I said.

“Ana, unless anyone can come up with a lie before the cops get here, we’re gonna have to tell them the truth!” Gerard said.

“We can’t! You told me we’d find them, and help them.”

“Ana?” Bob spoke up. “Gerard’s right.”

“Yeah, we can’t think of a believable lie,” Mikey said.

I just let out a grunt and sat back in my seat. I was pouting a little. They were right. We had to tell them the truth. I looked and saw two cop cars pulling up. I sighed, and started getting nervous. I listened to Gerard talking to the cop.

“The plates are from New Jersey. How did this car get here?”

“Well…a couple friends of ours. They just decided to up and leave in the middle of the night, and they just chose my car.”

“Do you have any idea where they are now?”


“Can I get their names?”

He sighed. “Frank and Lisa,” he said in a low voice.


“Frank and Lisa,” he said a little louder.

“Do Frank and Lisa have last names?”

“We don’t know what their last names are.”

“No idea on their whereabouts?”

“No idea. That’s what we were doing. We were trying to track them down, because I have a tracker in my car, but I guess they abandoned it.”

“Hmm. Well we’ll file a report. Can I get a description of each of them?”

I listened to him give a description. I then saw the cops eyes grow wide. He knew, but he didn’t wanna say. Oh, wait, there he goes.

“Those descriptions sound awfully familiar.”

“Eh-heh. Yeah.”

“Frank and Lisa? As in-” He was cut off by his radio.

“Sheriff Connelly, what’s your status?” The distorted voice came through.

“I’m talking to a couple kids about a stolen car why?”

“We’re gonna need you to head south of your position a couple miles. We have a standoff starting at a local diner in Tampa. One female, one male, and four FBI agents are reported to be involved.

Gerard caught my eyes. I nodded. It had to have been them, but with four others? The cop sighed and turned back to Gerard.

“I have to take this call. One last thing. Frank and Lisa? Most wanted serial killers in the country now, right?”

Gerard nodded slightly, and the cop sighed. He then got in his car and the cops took off. We soon were after them, following. Please let them be ok.