Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Sixty-Six

*~Frank’s P.O.V~*

You gotta be an idiot to think I’m a heavy sleeper. As soon as Lisa was grabbed out of bed, I took off after them. Note to retards: If you’re gonna kidnap my girlfriend, make sure her boyfriend doesn’t have easy access to a car.I sped after them, keeping a safe distance. Where were they going? They drove for about an hour and stopped at a diner. I just sat in the car and waited. I watched closely. Matt got up, and said something. Then he sat, and his face got close to hers. Then he got up, and so did she. I saw the gun at her back as they walked up close to the cash register. You fucking use her, I’ll fucking kill you.I ran to the door and walked in. I pulled my gun, cocked it, and pointed it at the back of Matt’s head. A few people gasped.

“Put the gun down,” I said.

*~Lisa’s P.O.V~*

Inside I breathed a huge sigh of relief, but something still remained off.

“Hey! Back off, man!” someone shouted.

I looked and saw Sonny, Travis, and Derek all get to their feet, and pull their guns. Oh boy, this was gonna be fun.Numerous gasps rang out from the employees and the customers.

“Everybody else, back in that corner now!” Sonny shouted. “Travis, Derek, you two watch them.” He turned back to us. “Frank, drop the gun.”

“Tell your friend to drop his first.”

“Matt. Go.”

The muzzle of the gun was no longer against my back. I felt a little better, until an arm came around my neck. I let out a short yell, and was about to fight him, but then the muzzle of the gun was against my head.

“Matt! Let her the fuck go and I’ll let you live.”

“Nah. I don’t feel like it,” Matt said.

“What the fuck do you want anyways?”

He started to chuckle, but then the truth came out. Sonny pulled out his wallet and showed us-of all things-a police badge.

“We’re undercover cops,” he said. “We work for the FBI. We’ve been tracking you guys for quite some time. Ever since your jail escape.”

“You guys fucking lied to us? Damn,” Frank said.

“Sonny, those two can let them all out.”

He nodded, and went over.

“All you guys, out.”

I watched as all the other customers and employees walked out of the diner. Frank still had his gun pointed our way. We’re screwed. Back to jail. Frank and I…separated, again. No. I won’t let it happen!I brought my elbow to Matt’s side, and he let go painfully. I managed to disarm him, and I was back at Frank’s side. Sonny, and Travis reacted fast so we couldn’t run. Their guns were pointed our way. I was pissed that they played us like they did. Undercover cops. I narrowed my eyes.

“Just drop the guns, and come over to us. We’ll make sure you two get a cell together. It won’t be like last time,” Matt said.

“Fuck no!” Frank shouted.

“How the hell do you know about last time?” I asked.

“Police confidentiality,” Sonny said. “Just come on with us. We’re putting an end to the destruction you caused.”

“Do you really think we’d just drop our guns and walk over there?” I asked.

“No. Come on, we’re cops, not retards.”

I grunted and stared him down. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a few more police cars, and a van that looked somewhat familiar. A couple of cops were trying to come in the building.

“Derek, go talk to Connelly,” Matt said. “We got these two covered. Travis went to the back door. These two aren’t going anywhere.”

Derek went out the front door to talk to a cop. I looked that way for a split second and my eyes went wide.