Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Sixty-Eight

*~Ana’s P.O.V~*

I heard the gunfire, and I couldn’t look. I didn’t want to look and see them get hurt. There were multiple shots that rang out, then they stopped. I looked and saw two guys exit and they ran around the building. I grabbed onto Gerard’s arm and held it tightly. I looked around at everyone else. All the girls were just as scared as I was. The guys were watching, but they were pretty emotionless. I hung my head and stared at the ground. I heard faint yelling, followed by loud noises, and people in the crowd gasped. I looked up and saw them emerge from behind the building. Both of them skidded to a stop. Oh God. This is it.I heard Gerard sigh beside me. He then shook his arm out of my grip. The bang that rang out next to my ear made me jump.

“Everybody just back off!” Gerard shouted.

All eyes turned to him. He was pointing a gun into the air. My eyes went wide. He headed over to where Frank and Lisa stood. What’s he doing?

*~Lisa’s P.O.V~*
I smelled freedom as we exited the building into the night. Nighttime. We’re wearing black. We’d be hard to see, right?

“You can’t outsmart cops!” someone shouted.

A flashlight shined our way and dimly lit up Matt’s face. Another one shined and behind that was Sonny. They were dressed in black too, so we didn’t see them. They were within ten feet in front of us.

“Drop the guns and just get over here. Or we can end this right now with two single gunshots,” Sonny said.

Frank moved to stand in front of me. Then he lunged at Sonny. They landed in a group of garbage cans, and a loud crash filled the air. I ran to Matt and brought my foot up right into his happy place. He grabbed them and staggered backwards. Frank grabbed my arm and we ran. We ran the wrong way, and right into the large crowd. I looked at the friends that once broke us out of jail. The girls were scared to death, but the guys were emotionless. I saw Gerard shake Ana off his arm. Then he stuck it up in the air, and a loud bang rang out.

“Everybody just back off!” he shouted.

He walked over to us and stood in front of us.

“Back off. We’re taking them with us!”

“Gerard, no,” I said quietly, still clutching Frank’s arm.

“Come on guys,” he said. “Forget the car. You guys are safe. Come on.”

“Gerard, we can’t,” Frank said. “It just has to be me and Lisa. I vowed to be the only person to protect her, and I’m not gonna break that promise.”

I looked Frank in the eyes. He smiled at me. I then heard a soft pop, and Frank’s calming smile turned into a painful frown. I turned and saw Matt and Sonny, standing side by side. A faint cloud of smoke rose up from the silencer of Matt’s gun. I looked at Frank’s back. His shirt glistened a little from moisture.

“Frank!” I said anxiously. “You! You shot him!” I shouted at Matt.

“I’m fine,” Frank said.

He pulled his gun and shot at Matt. I did the same.

“Gerard, get away,” I said.

Screams rose from the crowd as another gunfight ensued. Frank and I managed to take cover behind a car. I looked him in the eyes.

“You’re hurt,” I said.

“I’m fine.”

“What are we gonna do? I think they got vests on.”

“They do. Because I hit Matt in the chest a couple times, and he’s still on his feet.”

“Frank, we should just go with them.”

“No. I’d rather fight and die, than go back to jail. I can’t live without you.”

“And if you were to die, and I wasn’t?” I touched his arm.

He sighed. He wanted to say it, but he couldn’t, so I did.

“We vowed that we would die for each other. If we couldn’t protect one another.”

He looked into my eyes and he nodded.

“We’re not gonna make it through tonight safely,” I said. “I can feel it. You know that I’ll always love you.”

“Lisa, don’t say that, we’re gonna be fine. We’ll be halfway across the country in a new car by next week.” He poked his head up a little bit. “Huh? There’s keys in this car.”

The light at the end of the tunnel. We’re on our way to freedom.He opened the door just a little bit. I was shocked they couldn’t tell. He pointed for me to get in. I did, and went over to the front seat. That’s when a bright light shined into the car, and I saw Matt. I gasped. He opened the door and dragged me out of the car.

“No!” I shouted.

Frank jumped over the hood of the car, but Matt already had a grip on me. In a rage, Frank ran towards us.

“Let her go!”

“Stand back, Frank! I mean it!”

I heard about five more faint pops, and Frank fell. I thought my eyes were gonna pop out of my head.

“NO!” I screamed, and struggled.

He tried to regain his grip. I remembered the gun tucked in my pants, and I reached for it. I grabbed it, and elbowed Matt again in the stomach. He released his grip, and I turned and shot him in the arm. I saw Frank struggling to get to his knees. I ran to his side and fell to my knees next to him.

“Frank! Come on, get up!” I said.

He struggled painfully to get up. In a rage, I picked up Frank’s gun with mine and just fired blankly in Matt and Sonny’s direction. I heard gunshots behind me, and I felt the shooting pain in my back. My body instantly paralyzed. I fell onto my back and laid there, staring at the sky.

Frank shouted something, and more gunshots rang out. I somehow managed to turn my head as Frank staggered back and fell on his stomach. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. He reached and grabbed for my hand. Our eyes met. I just looked at him.

“I’m sorry,” he said faintly, his eyes started to close.

Tears fell out of his eyes. He wasn’t close enough to completely grab my hand, but I felt his fingers against mine. I tried to muster up a smile, but I couldn’t. My eyes grew heavy. The shouting around swirled and eventually faded away. The last thing I thought before I was gone was which one of us died first.

He had tried to protect me, but he failed. I couldn’t protest, because I failed to protect him too.