Status: Complete: Planning a future re-write & re-post.

Demolition Lovers

Chapter Nine

*~Frank’s POV~*

Sometime during our long drive, Lisa fell asleep. I looked over at her. She looked so sweet while sleeping. So innocent. Yet, when she was awake, you piss her off and your ass was grass. Badass by day, sweetheart by night, unless we were still ‘working.’ I put the top of the car up so she wasn’t being hit by the wind while she slept. She moved around and wound up curled up in the front seat, her head resting on the arm rest in the middle. I stroked her hair a little bit then went back to picking our next target place. I wasn’t coming up lucky.

“Too many people, too many buildings nearby, police cars…damn,” I mumbled to myself.

“What?” Lisa said groggily.

I looked and she was looking up at me, smiling.

“Having trouble finding a place. Too crowded around here. Go back to sleep,” I said.

“No,” she pretended to whine.

“Ok, fine, but you owe me a kiss at this next stoplight,” I said.

“Ok,” she said happily, kissing me at the next stoplight.

She was out like a light in a few minutes. Damn she loves to sleep, I thought. I drove for about another hour when I saw the perfect place. I already had a plan in my head. Instead of leaving one person alive, take them with us. Just once or twice to get the heat on us died down a little. It was starting to get harsh, and the last thing I want is for one of us to get caught and arrested. I couldn’t leave Lisa, I made a promise that I would take care of her forever. I pulled into the parking lot of the place and woke Lisa up.

“What?” she asked, waking up quickly.

“I found a place,” I said simply. “And I got an idea. There’s a lot on us right now. One screw up and one, or both of us, is going down. I was thinking, to get the heat on us down a little, is take that one person with us and see where it goes from there.”

“Why not just kill them all?” she asked.

“Cause, that’s no fun.”

“Good point. You’re so cute when you’re acting smart,” she said.

She gave me a kiss, and we prepared to go in. Another diner. I picked it because I was really hungry, and I’m sure Lisa was too. Driving all day with no food, yeah you’ll get hungry. We walked in, ate, and were just about ready to get underway. I had my hand on the handle of my gun, ready to pull it and yell when the last people I wanted to see walk in.
