A Man, A Woman.

Sooner Or Later

It was inevitable. She knew, from the moment she accepted the bouquet of brightly colored flowers, from the moment she found the diamond encrusted, white gold band, in the lightest chocolate soufflé she had ever tasted.

Simply because, she loved white lilies, not flowers so brightly colored they seem to glow at night. Simply because, she once told him she thought it was silly to give a ring to a lady when asking them to be your girlfriend, and worst of all, she hated soufflé. It felt like eating air.

And even though it was all wrong, she had said yes and even managed a tear. A single tear rolling down her pink cheek because she knew, that sooner or later, Brian would wise up and know what she did, that lovely evening on the "Cruise For Two".

"Okay buttercup!" she snapped out of her trail of thought to discover the fat slob had given her a nickname, and was holding a paper bag leaking oil.

"I won't be lettin' my woman eat crappy hospital food, I had a bite o' that hamburger and there wasn't an ounce of flavor in that shit!" he continued. "And this 'ere, this 'ere is the best damn cheese danish you'll ever sink your perfect teeth into."

"A cheese danish?" she said. "Well Mr. Bob, if you plan on doing this more often, I only eat wholegrain pastry, I am a vegetarian and that, danish, you say? That danish, smells revolting. "

"You say that now, buttercup, just wait till you try it, you'll never ask for anythin' in the world ever again. Not even me." He flashed her a big toothy grin. "Oh and why so formal, buttercup? Ain't no woman o' mine gonna be callin' me Mister. Ya heard?"

She sighed deeply. "Look, Bob, there seems to be some sort of mistake, I honestly do not remember anything about you or what happened last night, so if you would please just leave me alone?"

"Come now buttercup," he sat down heavily next to her and almost pushed her out of the bed trying to lie down. "You really scared me with that 'eart attack. You can't expect me to leave you all alone in this terrible place now do ya?"

"Actually, Bob," she said, slowly moving away from him, that horrid unidentified odor was just getting worse and worse. "Thats exactly what I'm asking you to do."

Bob's face fell.

"Oh, but I really do appreciate everything you've done. Its just that, I need to be alone to figure out what happened."

Bob grinned toothily again and said, "Well who better to help ya than your good ol' buddy, Bob!"

She closed her eyes and groaned. The back of her eyeballs were aching, something was wrong. She had forgotten something. She shot up from her bed.

"Woah, buttercup, rela--"

"Bob, did we, um... make love?"

"You mean have sex? Well yeah."

"Did you wear a condom? Bob, think!"

"Naw, you said you were on a pill... Whats wrong?"

Her face went white.

The morning after pill!
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I personally find this chapter a bit crappy. Just a filler. So yeah...