A Man, A Woman.

Sweet Talk

The key to success, in her opinion, was knowing how to talk with confidence, convey your message and have someone not just understand, but believe the speaker.

It was, sometimes, known as being street smart. Mainly because there was no text book that could teach you to speak and be heard. You learn it by saying something stupid, and then you are laughed at, or no one listens at all.

And then you learn to speak up, speak boldly, and people listen simply because you drown everything else out, you learn to be articulate, and while they listen, they may not hear you, but 70% listening to you is better than 0%.

And then, with time, you learn that you must not speak to everyone. You must know what each person wants to hear. You must single them out and tell them exactly what they want to hear. And then, they hear you. And then, you have mastered, sweet talk.

Which means you now can have anything that you want. Because you know what they want, and you make sure they know what you want. A simple barter system. The very basis of the world today. If you have something I want, I will help you.

She had what her teacher identified as "the gift of gab". Early on she learned how to talk her way out of any situation, or get her way, all the time. Which worked extremely well for her. Not so well for the people around her.

However, nothing she said would get her out of this. She was very possibly pregnant. Her period was two weeks late now. And it was due two days after she slept with the man ball.

It had taken a fair amount of time and coffee before she could reconstruct the entire evening that could only be described as a catastrophic disaster.

Brian was supposed to meet her for dinner and two hours of sitting at the bar, waiting for him, was more than enough. But she still wanted to have fun. So she asked her girlfriends to meet her there.

During a game of "Spin The Bottle" she was talked into flirting with Bob, who, oddly enough, didn't seem to have an odor that evening. Bob, however, took her a little too seriously and started trying to pull her tonsils out with his tongue just as Brian walked in. She was simply too drunk to care. To make matters worse, it was their anniversary.

She grunted in reply to the cheery greeting from the paper boy as she got into her sleek black Porsche and consulted her GPS for directions to the nearest pharmacy.

Was it just her, or was everyone bright and cheery today? She scanned the shelves for the most expensive pregnancy test, grabbed three and forced herself to smile at the cashier who happened to be a little old lady wishing her well in her attempt to get pregnant.

She drove home as fast as possible and when she got there she was surprised to find her cheeks wet with tears. That, however was the least of her worries.

It took her what felt like hours to get the door open, she walked over to the dining table, knocked back a shot of Johnny Walker's finest while reading the instructions on the packaging.

She urinated into the cup provided and walked back to her dining table cursing under her breath. It was supposed to be the best pregnancy test, but it happened to be the most frustrating. She now had to get the stupid syringe and put a drop onto the device provided.

She set her cup down on the table and took a deep breath, knocking back another shot to calm her nerves.

"Dear, are you in?"

She accidentally knocked over the cup in her fright only to see her neighbor walk in with a stick.

"Oh hello dear, I thought someone broke in, your front door was wide open. Have you been crying?"

She had indeed been crying, she simply hadn't noticed, she seemed to have lost control of her tear glands. She seemed to be losing control of everything these days.

She stared at the ground in dismay, the little puddle of urine seemed to stare back mockingly, she crumpled in a heap right in the puddle and started to cry.

"Oh my... I think I'll go call my psychiatrist. You just sit there." said the dear old lady.
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A long one. But I think its pretty good! :) Thank you SO much for all the comments and subscriptions.