A Man, A Woman.

Dinner For Two

"Hey Bob, real sorry I'm late," she said giving him a light peck on the lips. "How was your day?"

"Hows my favorite girl. My days been fine, thanks. I got you your usual. How did your day go?" he replied.

A month after her heart attack she bumped into Bob at the grocery store and he helped her carry her groceries back to her car and they got to talking. She ended up inviting him over for lunch.

Five months later they were now fast friends.

She took a sip of her sky juice with a slice of lemon watching Bob wolf down his 'Chilled Rocket Vichyssoise'.

"Bob, I thought of something that happened after the heart attack that I can't quite explain."

"Babe, you have got to stop thinking about that. I mean, I know you're upset at your sudden lack of judgment but you have really got to stop."

"I know, I know but this is really important to me. So please?"

"Okay, what's up?"

"Who told you I was in hospital?"

Bob choked. And started coughing. His face went red.

"Here, have some water." she said.

He took a deep breath.

"Well, its quite simple actually. I was there to visit my mother, and I saw them bring you in."


Over the next two hours they had Gilled Tiger Prawns, Citrus Tea Duck Breast, Salmon Rossini, and a Chocolate Fortress for dessert.

"Well, they are definitely getting a good review. This is the best coffee I've had in ages!" said Bob.

"Is that how you review restaurants? By the coffee they serve at the end?" she said taking a sip of the smooth blend topped with foam.

"And the dessert," he said with a smile, his moustache covered with foam.

"Well I've had a lovely evening Bob, thank you so much." she said putting on her coat and taking her scarf and handbag from Bob.

"Thank you for joining me, m'lady."

He held out his hand offering to walk her to her car.

"Oh..." she put her hand over her stomach and bent over a little.

"What? What's wrong? I'll take you to the hospital right now! My car is nearer. You just wait here, okay."

"Bob, calm down. I think, it just kicked." she said with a smile.
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Well I really enjoyed writing this one. I hope you enjoy reading it. Thanks so much for all your feedback!