Clouded Judgement

Too Found

“Excuse me, sir.” A small agent squeaked out from the other side of the grand office.

“Yes, agent Sleuth. What is it.” Said the sir, taking a long drag from an expensive cigar, which light beside the small lamp on his desk, seemed to be the only thing in the room.

The agent closed the door softly as if it closing would bring upon the end of the world, and made his way to the other side of the room. He sat down in one of the big leather chair’s, which looked like they were made for giants.

“So what is it, Agent?” asked the ominous man from behind the desk.

Sleuth looked dreary, as if he was scared to give him the news. What could possibly that scary to speak of?
He shuffled a few papers in his hands and cleared his throat.

“Um, we think we’ve found him, sir.”

Even through the smoke and shadows you could see a smile creep across his face like a stalker in the night. He chuckled,

“Well, let’s go get him. I think that his father will be happy to see him.”

“But, sir. His father’s been hiding on earth for about 7 months now? You think it will be that easy?”

The man smiled,

“Why search anymore him, when he’ll come right to us?”