Clouded Judgement

The Gateway

Agent Sleuth was very good at his job. In three years he made it to the top of his sector. He worked for the Retaliation in one of the three main sectors. His job: find out when a creature would cross over.

You see the Retaliation worked in three groups. There were the field agents, the searchers, and the cleaners. Even though he was never in the heat of the action, he was the one who found the action for the agents, and without them they would just sit on their Asses all day.

He walked into the main control room, a series of computers that pinpointed the exact place, time and duration of a breach. Another Searcher was standing at a computer jotting down the information. It was a small woman, cute but because of her always-concentrating face, not particularly beautiful.

“What are you doing there, Agent Tundra?” he asked as he walked over. The agent jumped at the voice.

“For fuck sakes, don’t do that, you could give somebody a heart attack. I was just jotting down nocturnal Breach patterns. Did you know that over 150 have happened in the past 6 months?”

Agent Sleuth scratched his head, that information didn’t make sense. Maybe one or two nocturnal breaches, were a creature escapes from a person’s nightmares into reality, happened a month, but 150?

“Show me the locations of most of them.”

Tundra frowned,

“That’s the problem, look. About 135 of them originated from a source in a hospital in Las Vegas, then the last fifteen were from various places across the U.S. but I figured a pattern, but I don’t think your going to like it.”

Sleuth stared, frustrated at the events, unable to understand what he was seeing on the screen. Tundra pulled out a marker and across the screen drew a line connecting the breach pattern. He finally saw what Tundra was trying to point out. The points all lead to one place. Halifax, Canada. The home of Callus Flame a Field operative for the Retaliation.

“This means that his fathers suspicions were correct. Callus is the Gateway.”

Tundra gasped,

“The Gateway! But I though-“

Sleuth cut her off,

“That it was just a Myth, a fabrication made up to keep us on our toes? No its real, and we now know it’s not a thing, but a person.”

Sleuth stared at the screen once more, before turning to leave,

“Agent Tundra, I want you to send every nocturnal breach in that area, immediately when it happens, understand!”

Tundra nodded, then asked,

“Where are you going?”

“This situation needs to be taken care of. I just need clearance, and the two best operatives I can find.”

Tundra was confused,

“I thought Agent Flame was our best field and covert agent?”

Sleuth stopped in his tracks and lowered his head,

“I meant the best Executioners. Agent Luther Bruise and Agent Krauss Batter. There the only one’s who stand a chance against someone who possesses the Gateway.”

“Hopefully…” whispered Agent Tundra.